aftermath and midterms

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Y/n stands in front of a crowd, his helmet sitting under his arm.  Cameras flash everywhere, and Y/n taps the microphone.  "Alright, that's enough pictures.  I owe you all an explanation.  I am Y/n Masters, son of Anthony Masters.  My dad was a mercenary named Taskmaster.  He killed multiple heroes and villains alike before being locked up in Tartarus for the past 8 years.  I took up the mantle of Taskmaster to change my family's legacy.  I am Japan's first quirkles hero."  He studies the faces of everyone else in the room, looking for one in particular.  He could have sworn he had seen him in the crowd.  He sees movement to the left of the room as someone slips out.  "I don't have time for questions."  He steps back from the microphone and walks through the back door of the conference room. He runs down the hall to catch the figure he sought after, when he runs face first into Tie Hanada's hug.  She shoves Y/n's face into her chest and wraps her arms around him, pinning his arms to his side.

"Thank goodness I found you!  You weren't in your hospital room, so I panicked.  A nurse told me that you checked out for a meeting, so I came here.  You should still be resting Y/n." Tie doesn't seem to be breathing between sentences, but Y/n can't breathe at all.  He manages to get an arm free and shove her off for a second so he can catch his breath.  She tumbles back, tripping over the comically large gift bag she brought with her.  She falls to the ground with a smack as her butt hits the linoleum floor, and she looks up at Y/n with a pissed expression.  His target got away, but he wouldn't be able to explain everything in the time it took for Tie to get up and beat the snot out of him. 

"Sorry Tie, I was trying to follow someone, and I wasn't expecting you to jump out of nowhere."  He offers her a hand to help her up, which she takes and immediately tugs the man of her dreams down on top of her.  She rolls over, so she's on top.  They look into each other's eyes, and she leans down for a kiss.

Mirage runs around the corner to be met with quite the steamy sight.  "Y'all know this is a public space, right?"

"And you ruined it."  Tie gets off her boss with a groan of disappointment and pulls him up.  She picks up her gift bag and gives it to Y/n.  "I guess you don't really need a get well soon present, but here you go anyways."

Y/n takes the bag and looks inside to see a giant stuffed bear. He raises an eyebrow and looks at her.  "Seriously?"  The three of them walk down the halls of the building, UA to be exact with it's blue and red linoleum, heading for Y/n's morning class. He walks into his classroom and pushes his two teammates away before taking his seat and putting on his helmet.

Izawa looks at him with a grin, sending a shiver down Y/n's spine.  "Your excuse from the hero committee isn't valid anymore Masters.  That means you are out of uniform.  You have detention after school."  Everyone looks at Y/n as he sits perfectly still.  "Now then, due to the Hosu incident, your work studies are called off.  Thankfully, that gives you all plenty of time to study for Midterms.  But first, Masters, you need a hero name."

Everyone looks at each other, confused.  Y/n had a hero name.

"Your current name belongs to a villain, so you need something else."

Y/n laughs, looking at Izawa.  "My old man is in Tartarus for life.  I don't think he really cares about me using his name.  But I'll play your game teach."  He stant up and walks to the board.  He grabs a marker and writes, in bold letters, "The Undefeatable Hero, Taskmaster."  He drops the marker as the bell rings, signaling for first block.  Y/n grabs his satchel and heads to his next class, hero studies.  "Today is gonna be one of those days."

That's when he feels it.  Someone's watching him.  He opens his locker and looks into the mirror, scanning for anything out of the ordinary.  He doesn't see anything.

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