I Spy a Loophole

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After getting off the phone with Nezu, Y/n gets on his laptop and looks at the hero laws and checks the sources and dates.  Everything.  And for the first time since getting kicked out, he smiles.  He prints out the documentation and sets it in a folder.  The next day he arrives at school and walks into class 1C.

"Hello, I'm Y/n Masters, I'm sorry about arriving so late, my letter got lost in transit.  I hope that we can all get along."  He says.  He walks to an empty desk and sits down.  At lunch, he walks up to Nezu's office and knocks.

"Please, come in."  Y/n walks in and takes the seat opposite of Nezu.  "Masters, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"The fact that Japan's legal system hasn't updated the hero laws wording yet.  It specifically says,  'To legally preform full time Hero work, one must of attended 3 years worth of hero classes to learn how to fully and safely use their quirk, as well as pass a final written exam and have a full hero license.' That is the exact wording as of yesterday at 11 pm of the laws.  I don't need to have 3 years of hero classes.  I don't have a quirk.  All I need is to take that written exam and take the license exam.  I assume you can help me with this?"

"Hmm, interesting.  I do believe I can help.  I'll look into this.  For now, study for the exam and be prepared.  You can go to lunch now."  Nezu tells him.  Y/n leaves and heads back to the lunch room.  He eats lunch and takes out all of his books on hero rules and regulations and begins studying.

The next day there isn't any school and Nezu calls Y/n to inform him that he can take the test.  Y/n arrives in his suit and walks up to Nezu's office.  He sits down and is handed a packet a half inch thick.  "You have 5 hours to complete this test, I will tell you when you have an hour remaining.  Pleas hand me all smart devices now."  Y/n hands him the device that runs everything in his suit and opens the packet.

'This is the test?  Seriously?  A novice could complete this.'  After about 2 hours, he hands Nezu the test.  He takes it and places it in a drawer.  "I'll contact you when the results are sent back.  You may leave now."  Y/n grabs the computer chip and plugs it back into the helmet, before walking home. 

Half a week goes by and Nezu calls Y/n back up.  He walks in and Nezu gives him a certificate.  "Congratulations, the next license exam is this weekend, you should arrive at the building at 8:30 am.  I expect to see you on the news, Taskmaster." 

"Thanks Nezu, I'll make sure to make you proud."

The test has arrived.  Y/n pulls up in a military vehicle with a custom paint job.  He gets out and gets in the back, which has an armory.  He grabs his basic gear and gets out.  He locks the truck and walks in. 

"I'm here for the licensing exam."  A person directs him to an auditorium where he sits and waits.  Eventually a man with grey hair walks on stage and gives this hole spiel about the exam.  Afterwards, everyone is split into groups based on what they are proficient in, water rescue, mountain rescue, hostage, forest rescue, all that stuff.  There's one group that's general, which is where Taskmaster goes.  The walls around them fall and everyone goes to their separate areas with the exception of Taskmaster and the rest of his group.  "You all now have 30 minutes to get to know each other."

"I'm Sazu Mako, and my quirk is hologram.  I can create illusions.  My hero name is Mirage."  A guy in wild west atire introduces himself.

"Tie Hanada, my quirk is Chi, I can concentrate my soul into a certain point on my body to preform stronger attacks.  My hero name is Chi."  A female in what looks like an outfit from Sanran Kagura says.  (In other words, her outfit leaves little to the imagination.  Lots of cleavage is visible.)

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