Chapter 7

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Whenever, at a party, I have been in the mood to study fools, I have always looked for a great beauty: they always gather round her like flies around a fruit stall.

-Jean Paul


I couldn't believe Jared was kissing me! What was even stranger was that I wanted to kiss him back. This felt good, but I couldn't help comparing it to Caleb's kiss. Was Jared's kiss different in a good or a bad way? Kissing Caleb was like a fire igniting, probably because he made me so mad. Kissing Jared was like a slow burn. Why the hell was I thinking of Caleb while I was kissing Jared. I hated Caleb!

Jared pulled back from the kiss and put his forehead against mine. "I've been waiting to do that for a long time. Like I said, I'm glad you broke up with Josh."

"Excuse me," said a stiff voice behind us. We both turned our heads to see Caleb standing there. "Gianna, I need to talk to you before I leave . . . about family stuff."

Yeah right, family stuff. He just wanted to harass me again.

Jared squeezed my hand and stood up. "Sure, no problem." Once the screen door slammed behind Jared, Caleb still hovered above me in the darkness. I couldnt see his face clearly but he was motionless.

"What?" I asked him in exasperation.

"How long has this been going on between you and Jared?"

"It hasn't. I didn't know Jared had those kinds of feelings for me until about five minutes ago," I explained, then added, "Not that it's any of your business."

"He isn't right for you," Caleb pronounced as if he were some sort of authority on the matter.

"How would you know? You just met him tonight and you just met me a week ago. Besides, I saw you come out of the room with Cece." When he made an aggravated sound, I couldn't help teasing, "I think it'd be adorable, a sister and brother dating another sister and brother."

"Stepsister," he corrected me. "And nothing happened with me and Cece. We were just talking."

"Whatever, I just hope Cece didn't taste Skylar in your mouth."

Caleb chuckled and sat down next to me. "Like you should talk."

I had no comeback for that, so I changed the subject, "What did you want to talk about that's so important you had to interrupt me and Jared?"

"I want to talk to you about the fact it's almost two o'clock Sunday morning. Your ass is mine. Grab your bag, let's go!" he ordered like a drill sergeant.

"No," I refused.

He gave me an oh yeah look and pulled out his phone. "As a good stepson, I feel it's my duty to inform Julie that I found you at a wild party downtown."

He messed with his phone and I caved. "Fine!"

Stomping inside to get my overnight bag, I grabbed it from Cece's room only to have Jared stop me in the living room when he noticed it in my hand. "Where are you going, Gigi?"

"Um, family emergency. I'll call you guys later. Tell Cece I'll call her tomorrow."

"Okay, we'll talk about . . . things, later," he said pointedly. Reminded of the kiss, I felt awkward around Jared. How would it change things between us?

"Not likely," Caleb muttered from where he stood by the front door.

Caleb held the door open and followed me outside. As soon as we were out of earshot on the sidewalk, I spun around and demanded, "So, what now?"

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