Chapter 24

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"I also became close to nature, and am now able to appreciate the beauty with which this world is endowed."

-James Dean


I marched into the woods wishing I'd brought a flashlight with me. I kept walking for awhile and heard Caleb's footsteps behind me. His boots made a crunching sound on the dry forest floor. Trying to walk confidently, I'd had a couple drinks and was feeling a good buzz.

"As much as I normally love the view from behind, we can stop anytime now, Gianna."

I stopped but I didn't turn around. "Say what you have to say, Caleb. I want to get back to my friends."

"Will you at least face me while we have this conversation?" he asked irritably.

No, I thought to myself. If I looked at him, it'd be harder to think straight. My tipsy mind was already muddled without having to stare at his handsome face.

Unfortunately, not wanting to appear an idiot, I turned around and looked him straight in the eyes. We had almost no light because little of the campfire could be seen from openings between the trees. He took a step forward and I stood my ground. He didn't say anything, just stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Well?" I demanded impatiently and put my hands on my hips to let him know I wasn't putting up with any of his bullshit.

"Why are you still mad, Gianna? Hailey told you nothing happened. What more do you need?"

I don't know, I thought to myself. Some female warning system was going off in my head, telling me this was a critical moment in the relationship. "Caleb, this is my first time dealing with this type of situation."

"Please explain to me, from your point of view, what the situation is," he said slowly.

I threw my hands up in the air and let out an exasperated breath. "Caleb, I've never had to deal with a boyfriend hanging out with his ex. An ex who makes it clear she still wants him."

"You hang out with Jared," he pointed out sullenly.

"Jared isn't my ex. He's one of my best friends."

"Hailey is one of my best friends," he countered, stupidly in my opinion.

"Who you've fucked!" I hollered at him.

Even in the low light I saw his wince. "That was a long time ago and she isn't my ex because we were never technically together."

Guy logic could be so stupid. "That goes for all the girls you've screwed. Does that mean you should be able to hang out with all of them while you're supposedly my boyfriend?"

"Hailey is the only girl I've messed around with that I'm friends with still," he explained as if that would make it all better.

"Whatever, I'm not going to tell you who to hang out with. I refuse to ever be that kind of girlfriend. You do what you gotta do and I'll do what I gotta do."

"Is that a threat?" he growled.

"No, I'm just not going to try to change you. I'm not your mother or your therapist. You are who you are, Caleb."

"You mean a player?" he asked, clearly annoyed, but also sounding a little hurt.

"I didn't say that, but you're forgetting something else. You lied to me about hanging out with Dante." My voice cracked at the end but I refused to cry again. "I can't be with someone who's going to lie to me about hanging out with other girls." The lying was as bad as him hanging out with Hailey.

Sounding contrite, he said softly, "I'm sorry, princess. I made a stupid, hasty decision, telling you I was with Dante last night. I just didn't know how you'd take me going clubbing with Hailey."

"Obviously not well," I said sarcastically, taking a few steps further away from him. "God, I don't want to be the nagging girlfriend!"

Ignoring that, he asked, "Don't you think you're being a little hypocritical, Gianna?"

I knew where he was leading with that question. "How so? I didn't lie to you, Caleb. I told you exactly who I was going camping with and I even invited you along," I reminded him. "You're the one that chose to spend time with Hailey instead of me."

"How kind of you," he replied sarcastically. "Thank you for inviting me the day before to tag along with you and your friends. What you're being hypocritical about, Gianna, is the fact that I can't hang out with a female friend, but you can come camping with six male friends."

Okay, there was some truth to what he was saying. "But I haven't had sex with those six male friends." I ignored his aggravated sound and went on. "Plus, it wouldn't have just been you tagging along with me and my friends. Taye is your friend also and he invited Dante who is your best friend."

"I may have gone out with Hailey last night, but it was only as friends. When I showed up here tonight, you and Jared were acting like a lot more than friends," he accused.

"Yeah, because when I found you with Hailey at your apartment, it looked like the two of you had just rolled out of bed together. Then you lied to me, making yourself look even guiltier. You can't blame me for taking it badly."

"And running straight into Jared's arms," he added.

I looked away from him, feeling somewhat guilty about that. Not that I was about to back down. "Well, maybe before you hung out with your little friend with benefits, you should've thought about how I'd feel about it and tell the truth. Besides, we hadn't quite gotten to the point of me being in Jared's arms. Nothing happened with Jared, either. I was just dancing. It happens to be a hobby of mine."

He closed the distance between us and placed his hands on either side of my face. Feeling a jolt at his proximity, I didn't pull away. Caleb's hands were shaking. "Because I showed up when I did, nothing happened. He was about to kiss you, don't deny it. Do I get any extra points for driving all over this damn mountain looking for you?"

"No, you owed me that much." I couldn't prevent the hurt from entering my voice again.

He must've read something into it. He began placing light, gentle kisses all over my face and neck. "So, am I forgiven, princess?"

"I need time to think things over, Caleb." I tried to stay strong. He wouldn't be able to woo me with his expertise.

"What's there to think over? We had a small misunderstanding and it's been fixed." His voice had deepened and his hands on me were distracting.

"Caleb, stop doing that," I pleaded, only half meaning it.

"Doing what?" He acted innocent, but I could feel his smile against my neck.

"Stop trying to distract me so I'll forget everything that's happened. I'm serious. I need to think things over when I'm completely sober. Plus, you need to take your little fuck friend home." It wasn't lost on me that Caleb was her ride and it encouraged me not to make up with him yet.

He groaned. "I forgot about her. I suppose you're going to stay here with Jared?"

"Yes, I'm going to stay here with my friends, which includes Jared."

"So, are we okay?" The touch of his lips against my neck caused me to shiver in a good way.

It took me a minute to think about what he'd asked. "We're not okay, but we're not breaking up either."

"Good." He laid a forceful kiss on my mouth. "Now I need to air my grievances."

"What?" I tried pulling away but he was too strong.

"I'm very upset with you, Gianna." He couldn't be serious!

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"First, you ran off without letting me explain."

"You can't blame me for that."

"Just promise me you won't do it again," he commanded.

"Fine, next time I'll stick around to watch you and the girl put some clothes on." I'd have the image burned into my brain for a long time of them both half-naked.

"Gianna, quit being a baby and making it sound seedier than it actually was."

I was about to argue but he pu

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