Chapter 15

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"Beauty and folly are old companions."

-Benjamin Franklin


I slapped my alarm off when it woke me up at eight o'clock Saturday morning. What the fuck? Oh yeah, Gianna, Saturday. I dragged my ass to the shower and dressed quickly. Catching up with her as she was going downstairs, I ignored her unhappy frown. What was her problem?

"Hey, Gianna, I'm taking you downtown today."

She turned to face me where I stood on the steps. "Like hell you are!"

Julie walked in on cue from the kitchen. "Gianna, watch your language. I think it's a wonderful idea for Caleb to drive you. I get worried, you going down there by yourself."

Gianna dropped her bag on the floor and asked her mom, "So now you're talking to me again?"

Julie hugged Gianna, patting her on the back. "I just think you're going through some sort of teenage rebellion thing. You'll regret quitting and go back to it in no time."

Gianna's only reply was to grunt. "Come on, punk, I don't want you to make me late."

So it was back to punk again, was it? As we got into my car, I checked out the large duffel bag she threw into the backseat. Did she have the dress and lingerie in there? Should I chuck it out the window while on the freeway?

As I started the car, Gianna switched it to a Top 40 station, turning it up full blast. Reaching out, I turned it back down. "What's the matter, princess? Did you get your period this morning?"

"Nothing's the matter. How was the rest of your date?" she asked then turned her head to stare out the window.

"Fantastic," I enunciated slowly. "How was the rest of yours? Did that loser kiss you goodnight, or was he too much of a gentleman to kiss on the first date?"

"How was the slut? Did you knock her up?" she retorted, sounding peeved.

I didn't see Gianna after leaving the restaurant last night. Desiree and I stayed to eat and Gianna didn't respond to my texts later on. When I got home, Gianna was already in bed. "Why'd you rush out of the restaurant?"

"I couldn't wait for dessert." Leaning one elbow against the door, her smug face and words insinuated that more than a kiss goodnight happened.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly and turned the music back up. A popular boy band sang about a girl being beautiful but I didn't care. Thinking about Gianna making out with that loser made me wish I'd drug her out of the restaurant myself last night. Kissing better be all they'd gotten up to.

We neared downtown and I turned down the music to ask Gianna which exit to take. She continued giving me directions all the way to the ballet studio. When I found a parking spot a couple buildings down from the studio, she jumped out without even a thank you.

I stepped out of the car and yelled after her, "What time do you get done?"

She didn't turn around, calling out, "Noon!"

"I'll be here to pick you up!"

"Whatever!" she shouted back and disappeared into the building. Ungrateful brat. And here I was taking time out of my Saturday to chauffeur her, time I could be happily asleep.

"Hey, Caleb!" I turned around to see Cece running down the street from a bus stop.

"What's up, Tiny Dancer?"

She giggled at the nickname. "Just going to class. Hey, Gianna told me what you guys did to Josh's truck. Freaking hilarious. He really deserved it. So, how'd the double date go last night?"

"Alright. Do you think Gianna likes that Seth guy?"

"Well, I haven't met him, but she texted me last night saying he's really nice. But, I don't think she has any real romantic feelings towards him. I think she likes someone else, but she won't tell me who it is," she said in a frustrated tone.

Did she mean Jared? Is that why she wouldn't tell Cece? I hated that prick.

"I don't know who it could be," I lied.

"Well, we'll find out eventually. The guy would have to be an idiot not to want to go out with her. She's a sweetheart. See you later, Caleb."

Jared was an idiot, but I knew for a fact he wanted Gianna. As Cece too was about to disappear through the large wooden doors, I called out, "I'll be here at noon to pick up Gianna if you need a ride!"

Cece spun around, holding the door open. "Don't you mean 11:30? That's when we get done."

"Yeah, that's what I meant," I corrected. Satisfied, she simply nodded and went in.

So, Gianna told me the wrong time to try to ditch me? Nice try, princess. That gave me two hours to kill, so I drove over to my mom's apartment to see her. Since she was out of town last weekend I hadn't seen her in forever.

When I walked in the door, my mom was making coffee in the kitchen. "Hey, mom."

"Hi, sweetie. What are you doing here so early?" Still in her robe, her black hair pulled into a messy bun, she came over to give me a hug.

"It's already 9:45, mom. It's not that early." The coffee smelled good and I planned on chugging at least two cups.

"It's early for you. You never wake up before noon on Saturdays."

Feeling weird, I told her, "I gave my stepsister a ride to ballet class."

"That's right, you have a stepsister around your age. What's her name again?"

"Gianna," I said nonchalantly. Why did I feel strange talking to my mom about her?

"So, how's everything going, living with your dad? Is his wife nice?" she asked, aiming for the same casual tone. I gave my mom a knowing look because she'd taken my dad remarrying pretty hard three years ago. My mom noticed my concern. "It's okay, Caleb. I'm over it."

"She's alright. She's the exact opposite of you and the Martha Stewart type. She has a little boy also. He's pretty cool and especially entertaining when he's misbehaving."

"Have you been staying out of trouble yourself?" She has a concerned look on her face, as if bracing herself for disappointing news.

I thought about the tiny bit of trouble Gianna and I had caused together. It didn't count because we didn't get caught. "Yes, mom, I've been a good boy. I haven't even had detention yet. It's so boring in the suburbs. I don't know how I'd even find any trouble to get into."

Letting out a relieved sigh, she beamed at me. "I'm proud of you, sweetie. Maybe living with your father was just what you needed."

She patted me on the cheek like she always did when I pleased her. I'm not sure I agreed with her about living with my dad. Since meeting Gianna two weeks ago, it seemed like everything had gone to hell. I didn't feel like myself anymore.

My mom wasn't in the mood to cook, big surprise, so we went to breakfast at the diner. Avoiding any conversation about Gianna, I told her about my new school and classes. We talked more about Julie and my dad. My mom really did seem okay now about it. I almost asked if she was dating anyone, but chickened out because it would be too weird to talk about.

I was back at the dance studio on time to pick up Gianna. When she stepped out of the building with Cece, I stood out front, leaning against my car. Holding back laughter at her scowl, I opened the door to the passenger side.

She approached me with Cece by her side. "Caleb, I usually go to Cece's house right after class and the crew comes by to practice."

"No problem, I'll drive you guys there."

Before Gianna could argue, Cece was climbing into the back seat. "Thanks, Caleb!"


I told Caleb the wrong time on purpose so I could get rid of him. Unfortunately, he showed up thirty minutes early to pick me up and now he was giving me and Cece a ride to her house. I didn't want to be around him. I was still so pissed about him sleeping with Desiree last night.

Okay, so maybe I was more than just pissed. As much as I didn't want it to, it hurt. I cried myself to sleep last night over stupid Caleb! It was dumb to be upset about it. He was

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