Chapter 27

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"There's beauty to wisdom and experience that cannot be faked.

It's impossible to be mature without having lived."

-Amy Grant


My mom was out of town again so I told Gianna she could use my mom's bathroom to get ready for tonight. After a shower, I took more thought in getting ready than usual. In a pair of black dress pants and a blue dress shirt and skinny tie, I stood in front of the mirror styling my hair with a little pomade.

I'd been on lots of dates before, but this was different. Tonight was about more than meaningless flirtation and a good time in bed. This was about romance. What the fuck did I know about romance? Obviously not much from what Gianna's teasing indicated.

I did feel romantic towards Gianna, I supposed. The problem was my inability to show it with actions and words. I was going to work on that tonight. I wanted her to know how much she meant to me. In the short amount of time I'd know her, she'd become the person my world centered around. That person used to be myself. I'd left behind a life that now disgusted me by finding something special with her.

God, I hoped I didn't turn into one of those pathetic guys who held their girlfriend's purse while watching her shop. I felt like I was becoming pussy-whipped without actually getting to enjoy the pussy. Shaking my head, I shoved aside those kinds of thoughts. Tonight was supposed to be about romance, not about my lack a sex life in recent weeks.

All in good time.

When I was ready, I waited in the living room on the couch. As I sat there, flipping through channels, Gianna strutted out from my mom's room. My mouth dropped open and I snapped it shut. She wore a dark blue dress that covered only the tops of her thighs and some black heeled ankle boots.

"What?" Gianna scanned the front of her body as if something might be out of place.

"Nothing." My first instinct was to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my bed. Instead, I walked over and kissed her lightly on the lips, not wanting to ruin her lipstick. "You look beautiful."

She smiled up at me. "So, do you."

"Not exactly what I was going for, but as long as you're dying to rip my clothes off, I'm satisfied," I teased.

"I so didn't say that and you know it." She tried for a stern expression but it melted away when she giggled.

"I could tell by the look on your face you were thinking it. I recognize that look on a girl's face when I see it." As soon as the words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back. It was another example of the unromantic things I said to her which reminded her of what a manwhore I'd been in the past.

"You know, Caleb-" she started to say and I could easily guess the rest of it.

I cut her off before she could finish, "Forget what I just said. All other girls are ugly dogs and you're the most beautiful girl in the world."

She smirked. "That's more like it."

I cleared my throat and looked at her pointedly. She returned my look with a confused one. "What?"

"This is where you compliment me back. The romance goes both ways in a relationship."

She raised two perfect eyebrows. "Oh really? You want to be romanced? Since you're such an expert on relationships, what should I say?"

This playful banter was fun. Stroking my chin, I pretended to think really hard. "Well, you could say, wow, Caleb, you look so sexy I just want to rip off your clothes and lick you all over. A guy couldn't hear sweeter words than that."

Gianna rubbed her forehead like dealing with me was taxing, but I could tell that she was trying not to laugh. "A guy would think that was a romantic thing to say, wouldn't he?"


She took the hand I held out. "Well, I wouldn't want to be unromantic, so I'll say this. Caleb, you look very sexy, handsome and lickable."

I locked the door behind us and put my arm around her waist. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"I never said it was, but now that you've had your ego stroked, can you tell me where we're going?"

"Gladly. First, I'm taking you out to a nice romantic dinner. Then, to a club where you'll be free to drink girly drinks and dance to your heart's content, while I stand sober guard."

Gianna entered the elevator before me, turning around. "Caleb?"


"You don't have to try so hard to be romantic. I like you for who you are, despite the very unromantic things you say." She wrapped her arms around me, leaning her cheek into my chest.

In a millisecond I'd processed her words. "Thank god," I breathed out, relieved.

Grabbing the back of her thighs, I lifted her up to wrap her legs around my waist. Her gaze found mine, her blue eyes startled. I pushed her back against the wall of the elevator and went to town on her with my mouth.

"In that case, can I just say that you look so fucking hot in this dress? Every time I look at you in it, I want to peel if off you and use it to tie you to my bed."

She laughed in delight. "There's my special guy."

The elevator doors opened and I reluctantly placed her back on her feet. On the way to my car, I asked her, "Does this mean you'll be happy if I don't take you to the fancy restaurant I book a reservation at?"

She squeezed my hand. "I'll be happy no matter where you take me."

"Where I'd like to take you is to bed. But I haven't been to the diner in forever and I'm also starving for food. We'll go there, if you don't mind." I opened the passenger door for her when we reached my car. I may not have been the most romantic guy, but I could still be a gentleman.

"This time can I order for myself?" she asked once I got behind the wheel.

"Only if it's something I like, so I can eat your leftovers."

"You're horrible," she scolded.

"No, I'm sexy, handsome and lickable. You said so yourself." I pulled out of the parking garage in the direction of the diner. It wasn't far from the apartment, but far enough not to want to walk.

Gianna leaned over to squeeze one of my cheeks. "Yes, you're those things too, babe."

We sat at one of Jean's tables at the diner and she squeezed my other cheek. What the hell? Was I that adorable today? Her smile was motherly. "How's the new school, Caleb?"

"Great." I gestured to Gianna. "You remember my stepsister, Gianna?"

Jean gave her the same smile but left her cheeks alone. "Yes, nice to see you again, Gianna. What can I get for you two?"

I ordered my usual and Gianna ordered something I wouldn't mind eating the rest of. We managed to finish our meal without any girls from my past showing up. After I paid for our meal, we walked back to my car and drove to a club where I knew the bouncers. I had a fake ID, but I wasn't sure Gianna did.

On the way there, I finally thought to ask her, "Do you have a fake ID?"

"Yep." She took it out of her purse and handed it to me.

I read off the name. "Gigi Ramirez. Isn't that Jared and Cece's last name? Funny, you don't look Hispanic."

"Jared got it for me." She put it back in her wallet.

"He gave you his last name? Remind me to get you a new fake ID," I muttered. I'd let her keep that one for now. It figured the douche would do something so cheesy.

We didn't have to wait in line outside the club since Ned was manning the door. I joked around with him before we went inside. Ned was a nice guy despite appearances. He shaved his head and wore a tight black t-shirt that showed off his huge biceps and two arms covered in tattoos.

I introduced them, "Ned, this is my girlfriend, Gianna."

"Girlfriend?" Ned repeated skeptically. "You mean, you actually claim this one out of the bedroom, Caleb?"

Gianna put out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Ned. Where did you and Caleb meet? In prison?"

  Ned looked at me, still holding onto my girl's hand. "I like this one."

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