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ding dong
i know you can hear me
open up the door
i only want to play a little
psycopath | antisocial personality disorder [aspd]
a mentally unstable person especially : a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.

3rd person


seo daeun looked up from her phone at the loud voice. kim sunwoo approached her, smiling brightly. he took a seat opposite her with his food tray in his hands.

"what about haknye-" "i'm here," the male cut her off as he took a seat next to them. college was stressful with all the projects coming up at them non-stop but daeun was thankful she had these two with her. the three friends went on with lunch as per usual. the sky was a bright blue and the sun peeked out behind the white puffy clouds. it was all good until haknyeon opened up about the soulmate topic.

"do you have any idea who your soulmate is?"

daeun shot him a glare, and haknyeon put his hands up at her reaction. sunwoo continued sipping on peach-flavoured juice, eyeing both of his friends.

"well, i mean you should have gotten some hints by now since we can hear songs that associate best with them," haknyeon shrugged and daeun frowned as she picked on her food. "her birthday is still 1 week away, you idiot!" sunwoo smacked the back of haknyeon's head with his napkin.

in a world where we would hear songs that represent our soulmate in our mind when we turn 20. daeun figured out that sunwoo's song was 'berry' and haknyeon's was 'jjiniya'. they already received a few lines of their soulmates' songs but 19-turning-20 daeun still had none. her gaze shifted around from her food to the view in front of her where she spotted a blonde male sitting alone. she realised that throughout the 3 years in college, that guy had always been quiet and alone. son youngjae. she recalled his name as it slipped off her lips softly. with that, the blonde male looked up from his food, his cold-piercing gaze met her warm ones. daeun broke the eye contact, turning towards her friends as they all picked up their trays to leave. their day resumed with afternoon classes and study session after to finish up their last projects before summer break the following week. sunwoo let out a sigh as he stretched his arms, looking over his two friends - one was doing work and the other was snacking.

"hey, we should celebrate daeun's birthday and enjoy summer," sunwoo whispered to them, the other two nodded eagerly at his suggestion.


a week later

"happy birthday to you!"
"why were you born?"

daeun shook her head, laughing at the two boys who held a cake and a nicely wrapped gift box.

"make a wish!" sunwoo and haknyeon ushered her to quickly blow off the flame.

'i wish to meet my soulmate soon' with that wish in mind, she blew off her candles and her two friends clapped in excitement. the breeze blew softly in their faces as they sat on the grass along hangang river park. the cake was being cut to pieces with haknyeon devouring it the most and their picnic mat was filled with snacks and desserts that sunwoo had bought for them all.

"what are your plans for summer?" daeun asked, her eyes darting towards the two.

"hm i'd probably visit my parents. it's been a long time since i saw them," sunwoo pondered on the question for abit. "i'm going to help out at my parent's farm," haknyeon answered her shortly as he continued to consume more snacks.

"i'm gonna go cafe-hopping," daeun told them. she really loved the ambience of cafes and maybe it would help her relax after the stressful college semester. besides, she could try out new food and drinks at different cafes.

or so she thought.


the sun was starting to set. daeun was helping sunwoo pack up their leftover stuffs and mat while haknyeon paced around with chips in his hands. since it was getting dark, sunwoo and haknyeon decided to walk her to the nearest subway station.

ding dong
i know you can hear me
open up the door
i only want to play a little

"why are you singing that? it's so creepy," sunwoo shoved daeun lightly.

"oh it's because of that sound," daeun replied casually.

"okay, but what sound are you talking about?" haknyeon asked, both sunwoo and him were exchanging looks.

"come on, don't pretend you didn't hear it," daeun chuckled, pushing both of them.

the two lads could only keep their silence as they walked. her train was arriving and she briefly embraced her two friends for spending her birthday with her. "thank you for today, guys!" daeun held them both close to her.

"text us when you reach home."
"take care!"

sunwoo and haknyeon sent her off with bright smiles.

upon getting in the train cabin, daeun took a seat and she observed the other commuters in the train. the train was not crowded at that timing and she drifted off into her own thoughts. what was that sound and why can't my friends hear it? her thoughts were cut off when the train announcement mentioned her stop, signalling that it was time for her to alight. she strolled along the mostly empty pavement towards her house as the sky turned from orange to dark blue.

ding dong
i know you can hear me
open up the door
i only want to play a little

once again, daeun heard the sound and she started humming along to it unknowingly. her eyes widened when she could hear footsteps behind her faintly. daeun halted, and the sound of footsteps stopped. she pondered for a second before breaking out into a full sprint, hoping to lose whoever that was following her. the footsteps did not stop, in fact it was coming closer and closer as she ran with all her might. to her worst luck, she turned the wrong corner with nowhere else to go. a hand pulled on her arm harshly and she was forced to turn back, facing the attacker. her fearful eyes stared back at his cold, unsympathetic ones as he glared down at her.

"so it's you," his voice sent a cold, chilling sensation down her spine and his grip on her tightened.

the last thing she saw was his blonde hair under the moonlight before her vision went blank.

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