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just wait, you can't hide from me
(i'm coming)
just wait, you can't hide from me
(i'm coming)


the sun was starting to rise when daeun stepped out of the room in a clean set of clothes. the smell of food captivated her as she made her way down to the kitchen. his blonde hair could be seen from the living room. his back slouched as he roamed around the kitchen to set the dining table. he seemed to have noticed the girl who stood still outside the kitchen. "come and sit," he said in a low voice as his eyes focused on prepping food. daeun paused in her seat, observing his tired-looking back. was this youngjae or eric? she pondered for abit. "it's youngjae," he had answered which made her freeze. did she say that out loud? "yes, you did. now hurry and eat," youngjae spat out a little harsh as he pushed forward a bowl of rice.

daeun was planning on locking herself in her room after she ate. she had a rough night and she was sure that she would not be able to get a peaceful rest with all the traumatic memories stuck in her mind. stepping out the kitchen, her feet scurried to the stairs in hopes that she would quickly reach her room when suddenly a hand took hold of her arm, spinning her around. "come with me," youngjae demanded. he sounded like eric and that scared daeun the most. she had expected for the worst to come - the dark basement. instead, he had dragged her into the bathroom. his strong arms swept her up by the waist to sit her onto the cabinet next to the sink as he rummaged the drawers for something. a first aid kit. his face blank as he touched her jaw slightly, observing the dried up red line trailing from her jaw to her neck. "did it hurt when he did this to you?" youngjae mumbled, his eyes focusing on the equipments in the kit. daeun nodded, not having any courage to talk back to him. youngjae started to treat the wound, surprisingly he was being very gentle and patient with her. daeun winced in pain when the swab came into contact with her wound and youngjae would pause when she did so.

the sun was already mid-way up the sky when youngjae finished treating her wounds. what he did next made daeun gasped in complete shock. youngjae had leaned forward and his arms wrapped around her to lift her up, making daeun wrap her legs around his torso. then he walked, and walked until they reached his room. youngjae had placed her gently on his bed, hovering above her and all this while he was silent. probably still disappointed that she had went behind his back to run away or because he was exhausted from the long night. her breath hitched when he slid his arm under her head and pulling her into his chest. daeun let herself be cradled by son youngjae.

"you must have been terrified and tired," he started lowly, "get some sleep." his arms hung loosely around her waist but her hands were lost - where should she place them? daeun bit her lips as she tried her best to stay still, not wanting to agitate the ticking-bomb-temper close to her. somehow, his hands gripped onto her arm lightly before draping it over his own waist, making daeun hug him back. youngjae's hand found its way on her small back as he rubbed circles and patted her in desperate attempts to let the girl relax and rest. for some reason, she did. her tensed body relaxed completely as her eyes slowly began to shut. youngjae's steady breathing and heartbeat lulled her to a slumber. probably, she felt more than grateful that she was with youngjae and not changmin. to add on, youngjae had been nothing but gentle to her.


another person was displeased though. he gritted his teeth as he glared up at his neighbour's house. no one, not even youngjae, could stop him from getting what he wanted. if he wanted to kill seo daeun, then he will gladly kill the girl. changmin grimaced at his bruised neck - youngjae had used excessive force back then that it left a purpleish bruise on his neck.

"changmin?" a voice called out, concern clearly heard. it was his mother as she opened the door, dragging him into the house. "where have you been?" she demanded to know. "you're not out there sinning once again, are you?" mrs ji's voice trembled as she held his shoulders tightly. "please changmin, i will not be able to cover for you this time! please just stop!" the elder was almost begging for her son to not repeat the same thing once again. changmin stared down at his mother, his face showed no remorse and he could only smirk at her words.

"what q wants, q will get," he whispered, before breaking out into a maniac laughter as he skipped up to his room, leaving the poor mother weeping on the floor.


youngjae had woken up before daeun. it was 12 in the afternoon. he stayed in bed his arms still glued around the fragile girl next to him. she was his soulmate - youngjae had thought that eric was being unreasonable for turning him against his own soulmate. yes, daeun attempted to escape and she betrayed him along the way - as bad as he was, he would understand why she made that attempt. but, he had been nothing but nice and sweet to her before this. youngjae frowned at his thoughts.

she attempted to run away
and cause you trouble - why don't
you just kill her already?

eric, shut up.

youngjae, she's just like her and you know that.

the evil chuckle in his head made youngjae wince, hitting on his head as he desperately tried to get it out of his mind. his sudden actions made daeun stir in her sleep, fluttering her eyes open. her eyes widened when the memories of the previous night came back to her. she sprung up and scurried over to the edge of the bed - away from him. "are you going to hurt me now?" daeun sniffled, her arms were outstretched to block him. but youngjae sat still, not moving an inch as he stared at the crying girl. his heart dropped for a bit, had he made her this afraid of him?

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