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ding dong
here i come to find you
hurry up and run
let's play a little game and have fun


'well two can play the game, son youngjae.' seo daeun grumbled. she held her knees close to her chest as she stared at the white, dull wall ahead. the comforter on the bed was a mess and pillows were thrown all over the room. daeun was pissed. he was treating her like a toy or maybe less than an animal. ordering her around, and laying abusive hands on her whenever she refused. 'treat you like a queen,' his words lingered on her mind. that was when she decided to go along with him.

the door creaked open and he came in. "sweetheart, what happened in here?" eric asked, as he picked up the pillows gently. "i don't know, i'm sorry," daeun mumbled, her head was kept low as she avoided his eyes. surprisingly, he was not mad - he was gentle and soft. "are you feeling okay?" eric asked as he scrambled into bed next to her, his arms embracing her petite figure. "e-eric-"daeun started but got interrupted. "youngjae. i'm youngjae," he said, which made daeun look up at him in confusion. she was brought to the dining table filled with food again. the clock on the white wall had shown her that it was eight in the morning. "eat up," youngjae smiled gently at her.

daeun pondered for a bit as her stare lingered on the blonde-haired guy in front of her. he said he was youngjae but that night, when he smiled down at her ruthlessly, he was eric. 'that's new,' daeun thought. she had never heard of this in the characteristics of psychopathy - or maybe it was because his symptoms showed 'low psychopathy'? her mind spun as she thought of everything she had learnt in her major so far.

"what are you thinking about?" youngjae asked, his chopstick dug into the bowl of rice as he munched on his food. for that moment, he looked like any typical sweet and handsome-looking guy. "oh, just how did you get all these great food," daeun mumbled as she took a bite out of the omelette. youngjae frowned before putting a small smile on his face, "the lady next door usually packs some for me because i live alone." daeun nodded as she continued consuming the breakfast meal.


surprisingly, youngjae had let her sit in the living room. why? it was close to the front door, was he going to trust her that easily? he had put on the smart television for her to watch shows. daeun grunted when she realised that he had treated her like a child that needed a distraction to sit still. what was he doing anyway? burying bodies back there? speaking of the devil, he had plopped himself next to her on the sofa, getting comfortable among the cushions. "eri- youngjae," she called out to him to which he answered with a soft hum. youngjae had lifted up his arms to sling it over her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

"how long do you plan to keep me here?"

he paused at her question. his arm that rested on her shoulder tensed up for a bit. he lowly chuckled and daeun swore this was eric. "sweetheart, you're my soulmate," he started as his other arm wrapped itself around her waist, "we'll be together - forever." the last part he had whispered into her ear sent shivers down her spine. his grip on her tightened and daeun found herself struggling once again. the situation she was in right then reminded her of the miserable nights she was vulnerable. with all her might, she peeled his hands off her and backed away from him. his eyes held the same cold, ruthless gaze in them just like the first night he caught her.

"eric, stop," daeun tried saying it firmly even though the crack in her voice had shown him clearly that she was indeed afraid. eric raised an eyebrow up, amused. "so you know how to differentiate us? that's quick, smart girl," eric smirked, nearing her figure.

then the doorbell rang. daeun heaved a sigh of relief at the sudden interruption. eric glared down at her before he went up to the door to greet whoever was disrupting them. it was the neighbour's kid - a guy slightly older than eric. he was tall and his eyes were sharp. the most distinctive feature was his dimple that had shown itself as he smiled. daeun peeked over the sofa, her tear-stained and puffy eyes looked up at the new guy she saw.

"oh changmin, what are you doing here?" eric asked, making sure he blocked the whole door frame with his body. "mum said to give you this," changmin said, dropping a bag of probably lunch onto eric's arm. changmin's eyes wandered around the house before setting them onto the unknown girl behind the couch. his eyebrows furrowed a little at her. daeun's eyes sparkled at the thought of possible help to escape this house. to her dismay, changmin broke the eye contact as he continued to converse normally with eric before he announced his leave.

eric turned back to her as soon as the door closed with a click. he walked past her, setting the lunch onto the table. "don't even think about asking changmin for help. he's sick in the head too," eric said, his eyes never leaving the food that he was setting up on the table. "hurry here and eat," eric demanded,"we'll be busy tonight."


by 'busy', he meant driving to daeun's house in full black and masks to gather some necessary things and shift them back to his house. daeun walked around her beloved house clothed in all black with clothes that eric had lended to her.

"why are you letting me do this?" daeun questioned as she picked out some clothes from her wardrobe.

"sweetheart, you're my soulmate," he smiled,"not a hostage," his voice dropped an octave lower. daeun bit her lips, frustrated at the thought of being stuck with him.

this was harder and more dangerous than she thought.

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