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i see you through the window
our eyes are locked together
i can sense your horror
though i'd like to see it closer


daeun forced her eyes open when the light shone directly on her face. another day stuck in this room with a psycopath. daeun, a psychology major, would know bits and pieces about characteristics of psycopath. she did not ever expect that she would encounter one and to add on, the psycopath was her soulmate.

psycopaths were capable of falling in love, being happy and having desires of wanting to be with someone. but when it comes to feeling sad or empathy, it was as if they did not have those feelings input in their hearts.

daeun found herself standing infront of the room door, her hands already placed on the doorknob. the door was unlocked - and she was unsure if eric had forgotten or if this was a trap. but she could not let this chance of escaping go. twisting the door knob slowly, daeun stepped out and that was the first time she had ever seen the rest of the house. it had similar interior design with the room she stayed in and the house seemed too silent. making her way down the stairs carefully, her eyes wandered around looking out for the blonde-headed man. finding him nowhere in sight, daeun bolted for the front door, which was also unlocked.

'freedom' her heart screamed with joy. but you know how people always told you not to be happy too early. she pulled the door open to sprint out, only to knock into a chest. eric tilted his head and scoffed at the girl in front of him.

"i knew you would do this," he growled, his fingers dug into her forearms as he gripped hardly. daeun could only whimper in pain.

"i know you're a psycopath," daeun choked out between her sobs.

"you should never tell a psycopath they are psycopath," eric paused, leaning closer, "it upsets them."

"are you upset?" daeun asked timidly, her gaze avoiding his.

he stayed silent as his intense gaze stayed on her. from what daeun had known, silence meant 'yes'. his actions after had clearly shown that he was tremendously upset. dragging daeun by her arm forcefully, he brought her infront of a room in a basement. daeun was thrown onto the cold, hard surface cement of the basement. eric crouched down and made her look up at him.

"i love you, seo daeun. don't make me hurt you again," he said.

but daeun knew well that psycopaths have difficulties to form healthy relationships due to their lack of emotional attachment and their inability to open up to another person. daeun realised that she would never be able to have her happy ending.


daeun hugged her knees as she stared into black. the basement was freezing cold and pitch dark. who knew how long she was stuck in there. eric did not lay a hand on her that day, at least she felt glad for that. the door swung open and the light filled up the dark basement.

"get up," eric had demanded, his voice laced with just aggression and no sympathy.

surprisingly, he brought her to the dining table. food was already served at the table, which made daeun almost drool at the sight of delicious food. his expression was blank still when he sat daeun down on one of the chairs. eric slammed his right hand onto the table top in front of her, his face was dangerously close to hers.

"do i have to cuff you?" he muttered in between gritted teeth.

daeun looked down, shaking her head 'no'.

"good girl," with that, he took her bowl and his to scoop portions of rice into them.

daeun muttered a soft 'thank you' when he placed the bowl of rice in front of her. eric even put some portions of side dishes onto her bowl. daeun could swore that she saw a small smile on his face. the two ate in silence - to daeun it was an intense silence but she needed to eat when she could. this man in front of her was unpredictable and she would not even want to imagine the worse that could happen in this house. daeun did not know what courage had come to her at that point of time when she-

"eric," she whispered.

the male hummed in return.

"why are you doing this to me?" daeun took the little courage she had left in her to look up at him.

daeun had expected to his usual icy stare but to her ultimate surprise, he stared back with a softer gaze almost normal-looking and not psychotic. he continued to chew on his food as he thought of ways to answer her question. his blonde hair sat messily on his head as it brushed past his eyebrows. the black shirt he had on made him look like any typical guy around. but only daeun would know the kind of person he really was.

"you're my soulmate and you already know what i am, don't you ms. psychology?" eric smirked, for a second he went back to the psycho she had seen the past days.

that was when it clicked in daeun's mind. son youngjae desired to be loved. why else would he trap her here if he was not obsessed and had strong desires?

"okay, so what must i do?" daeun cut straight to the point.

"listen to me and don't make me mad," he narrowed his eyes on me before continuing his sentence,"then i'll treat you like a queen."

"but eric, what about my friends? my college-" "stop asking! they're all settled. you're now a girl who had gone overseas to her parents for good."

daeun sat in shock. how did he even know that she was here alone without her parents? for anothe brief moment, eric's eyes had gone dark once again as he gripped onto his utensils.

youngjae, she's planning to escape again. kill her.

shut up, eric!

you know she won't stay here with you, with us. get rid of her now.

the voices in his head rang in his head as he winced at the immense pain. eric's eyes flicked open and all he saw was red. he found himself nearing the girl as she cowered in fear. eric loved to see the frightful eyes of her as she begged to spare herself. he smirked when her back hit the wall and she had nowhere else to go.

"eric," daeun put a hand out to stop him as he stepped closer. "eric, please," her voice came out as a soft whisper. she desperately looked around and searched his expressionless face for some sympathy - there was none. with no other ways to get out of the situation, daeun wrapped her arms around him tightly, restraining his own arms to his side. "what are you doing?" daeun could feel his burning stare on the side of her face as she held on tight. his tensed body seemed to relax after a bit. when she was sure eric would not move, daeun bolted up into her room.

fortunately for her, son youngjae did not bother her that night.

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