3 - I'll see you again, asshole.

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I watch the man from behind, mostly paying attention to the fact he was leaving a blood trail. The blood didn't seem to end which worried me greatly.

Eventually we made it to the first floor. The double doors seemed to have been barricaded but the man kicked it down with ease, Eun-yu dragging me along. Everybody stared with horror, what had happened down here? They all circled around us before a stranger pointed out the bite on the gangsters back, saying that he was infected. Once declaring that, everybody began to jump back in fear.

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you?? This guy saved both of us. Where were any of you?" I spoke up in his defence since he definitely wouldn't be saying anything. The three of us notice the barricaded front entrance, Eun-yu crosses her arms.

The man ignores everyone, heading for the front entrance before suddenly stopping. The shop keeper jabs a taser into his back, his whole small body shaking whilst the gangster fell over, unconscious.

"I got him!! Did you see that?? I got the gangster!" The shopkeeper jumped in confidence, everybody beginning to hover over the now unconscious gangster. I boiled with anger, unable to control myself, I grab the tiny man by the shoulder. This causes him to turn towards me, giving me the perfect chance to punch that grin off of his face.

Before I could do anything, Eun-yu grabs my arm and pulls me away. She turns to the shop keeper, first sticking out her index, then her pinky, then her middle finger, and finally her thumb. "Come on Mi-sun, these people aren't worth our time." She rolls her eyes as the two of us walk off until she's pulled back by her brother.

"Sorry Mi-sun, I'm gonna need my sister for a minute. Ji-su and Hyunsu should be in 1410, they asked for you when they came down here." Eun-hyeok nodded at me, throwing a flannel over Eun-yu's shoulders to which she throws off and stomps off.

"Right..thanks. Make sure they don't do anything to Sang-wook." Before Eun-hyeok could ask me who that was, I begin running up the stairs again. My veins were still pumping with adrenaline as I run up, a mix between anger and compassion. That old man was so..pathetic and small. How am I going to survive with those people around me? I think about that gangster, was he trying to pull some sort of hot bad guy persona? Probably not but still, it was working.

By the time I got to the 14th floor I was out of breath and my side was cramping, I really need to work out more. I wipe the sweat off of my head with my hoodie, making my way over to 1410. I knock a few times, it was quiet. "Hello?? Ji-su?? Hyunsu??" I went to knock again before the door swung open, revealing a tall man with glasses. I try not to smile, thinking of Ji-su while I look up at him.

"You're Ji-su's friend right? Come on in." He gives me a gentle smile before stepping aside. Damn Ji-su you chose the last nice guy to exist. I walk inside, spotting Ji-su giving an unconscious Hyunsu a hot towel. I bend down beside her, watching as she practically tackled me.

"Oh my god Mi-sun I thought you were fucking dead!!" She cries, wrapping her arms around me. Laughing, I hug her back. We stay like that for a while before the man with glasses clears his throat.

"We need to venture around. Gather supplies and find other survivors. Are you two able? Also it's nice to meet you Mi-sun. Any friend of Ji-su's is a friend of mine. My name is Jae-Heon." He smiles again before grabbing his sword, heading for the door. I turn to Ji-su and wiggle my eyebrows, she stares at me as if she were about to murder me.

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