Chapter 5

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Cancer's P.O.V

As I swam back down to the castle, I couldn't stop thinking about that pirate named Aries.

"Sis, you good?" Pearl asked me. I hummed in response and she nodded her head

"Hey girls, how was it?" Dad asked us.

"It was so fun!" Pearl replied.

"Great, 'cause you guys aren't going back up there," Dad said.

"What?!" I said in shock.

"You heard me, no one is going back up there anymore," he said.

"Why?" Pearl asked.

"Look, it's not because I think you guys will be kidnapped, the surface was bombed," Dad said.

"What?!" Pearl and I screamed at the exact same time.

I started to panic, what'll happen to the pirates. Just then my body began to move on its own and the next thing I knew I was at the surface.

I started running even though it hurt like hell. Where are they? Where are they? I looked around and breathed in the smoke. My throat hurt and I couldn't breathe.

"Coral! Come back here!" I heard Pearl shout. I looked over at her and there was a building about to collapse on her. I ran to her as fast as I could but she was too far away. No, I can't lose my sister. I can't.

Just then a man picked her up. He had white hair and white eyes. His clothes looked like he was a noble or something and he was riding a horse. I ran towards them and finally reached them.

"Are you ok?" he asked Pearl. Pearl nodded her head and smiled. Her eyes were pink. Oh ho ho ho.

"Get on!" he yelled and my sister and I looked at each other.
"You get on sis," I said.
"What no!" she yelled.
"You're younger, you get on," she said.
"But," I said.
"No buts, if you go back home dad will be mad, so get on," She said. I nodded my head and got on. She waved goodbye and I waved back.

Leo P.O.V

"NO!" my mother yelled. She was speaking with the council on what to do with the bombing.
"I know you disagree with this decision your majesty but it's the best one," Mr. Sea-goat said.
"You think asking the King of the Star Kingdom is the best decision?!" She yelled.
"He probably did this himself. Do you know what he did with the night kingdom!"

"I know that you don't like him but it's what is best for our kingdom," Mr. Sea-goat said calmly. My mom groaned and then sighed.
"Fine, I trust you, Orion," she said and patted his shoulder.
"What about Leo?" Mr. Sea-goat asked.
"I don't know. I don't want him to have a lot of stress for his first time ruling," mom said.

I looked down at the ground and felt a pain in my chest. Does she think that I'm not capable? I walked away to my room and just lay on my bed. I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands. Seriously.

"Hello, Leo," I heard Conrad say.
"Hey, Conrad," I said not removing my hands.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your mom?" He asked. I looked at him blankly, half smiled, and turned my head away. He walked over to my bed and sat at the edge of it.

He grabbed my face with one hand and made me face him. He leaned closer and put his forehead on mine.

"You don't seem to have a fever," he said.
"Of course I don't," I said looking him in the eye.
He got up and walked over to my mirror.
"You need to get up," he said fixing his tie in the mirror.
"What can I do though. My mom doesn't even trust me," I said sitting up.

"Then make her trust you," Conrad stated, walking over to me and kneeling down. He put his hand on my shoulder and we looked each other in the eyes.

"I have known you for the longest time. I know that you know inside that you are capable of leading this country," he in an encouraging tone.

"But you always say I'm dumb," I said to him. He chuckled and got up.

"I only say that cause you're like a brother to me," he said reach out his hand to me.
"You are the smartest person I know, so let's show everyone what kind of leader you are," he said smirking. I smirked back and him and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go partner," I said.

Mini P.O.V

I was pondering what to make for lunch I heard a boom.
"What's happening, I asked myself. Where are Griffin and Misty. I panicked and shouted out their name. No response. That's right they were outside. I flew outside my bedroom window and flew down.
"Misty! Griffin," I shouted. I felt my heart race faster and faster. I felt Someone touch my shoulder and I snapped my head around to look. It was just Misty. I sigh in relief.

"Did you hear that Melisa," Angel said. I didn't answer her and just pulled her into a tight hug.
"The Sun kingdom has been bomb," Griffin said in a serious tone.
"We need to get out of here," I stated and let go of Misty.
"But we're supposed to help people," Misty said grabbing my arm.
"We can't help those people," I said and pushed her hand away. She was shocked and so was I. Why did I do that.

I just looked down on the ground and Griffin came over. He hugged me and patted my head.
"Even if you were treated bad once doesn't mean you will be treated the same again," he said. Angel came over and hugged me too.

I sighed and hugged them back. I hate humans but Angel is a human. She and Griffin are the most important people to me and I don't wanna see them hurt. Misty my precious sister she really is an Angel.

I sighed again and broke away from their hug.
"Alright if you guys want to help them then I will too," I said.
"Really!" Misty shouted. I smiled a small smile and nodded my head.
"But first I need to replenish my power so in the mean time need you guys to gather some ingredients to make a barrier spell," I said. They both nodded their heads and ran off.

I need to go to the King while they're away.

Taurus P.O.V
When I got myself together I saw Levi on the ground. "Hey are you good," Aries asked me. I nodded my head.
"Good, because it seems like your boyfriend over there is passed out and so is Sera," he said. I rushed over to Levi and put my head on his chest. His breathing was a bit off but other than that everything is normal.

"Is Levi okay?" Aries asked. I nodded my head.

"Is Sera okay?" I asked. He nodded his head. I heard a noise come from Levi and I looked over at him. Thank goodness he's awake. I smiled a little and hugged him.

"Woah that's a little unexpected," Levi said. I chuckled and helped him up. I looked over at Aries but Sera was still not awake.

"We need to get out of here," Aries said picking up Sera. I nodded my head and told Aries to follow me.

"Levi," I said turning to him.
"Yeh?" He asked. I looked at Aries and looked back at Levi. I motioned him to lean closer and whispered in his ear.
" I need you to turn into a dragon," I said. He looked shocked and then smirk.
"Anything for you," he said and then kissed my forehead.

Mist covered his body as he turned in his dragon form. I looked at areas and he was shocked.
Levi flapped his wings a few times to get used to his form. He hadn't used it in a long time because people thought that dragons only lived in the starry sky's. I motioned Aries to come over and we got onto Leviathans back.

As we flew up I looked down at the ground and saw those two girl that were at the bakery. The brown hair one was on the horse and the blue headed one was waving. They were with a man with white hair. He looked very royal and familiar. I wonder who he was.

"Hey look it's the two girls that were at the bakery," I said to Levi. Levi nodded his dragon head and looked towards them.

"Bring me down there," Aries said.
"Why," I asked dumbfounded
"That man...," he began
"That man is the king of the Star Kingdom," he said. I looked at him dead in the eye and looked back at the man.
"Levi, bring us down there," I say.
Levi nods his head and flies down.

"Can you watch Seraphina for me," he asked but it was not like a demand. I nod my head and take her body.
Me and Levi watched as Aries ran back into the village. I hope he stays safe. I looked at Sera's face and she slowly wakes up.

"Where's captain?" She asked.
I look at her and looked back at the town.
Her eyes widen
"Not again," she says with an agitated voice.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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