Chapter 5

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I felt relief wash over me and I stumbled over to the blue-eyed savior. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks as I cried. I grabbed the person in a bear hug, not knowing who the person even was.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much--" I pulled away when I saw familiar long blue hair. I grabbed person's shoulders and held them away away at a perfect distance. I gasped. "-- Lucina?!"

She pulled me back in a hug and rubbed my hair in reassurance. "Zelda, are you okay? You looked like you've seen a ghost."

Again, I pulled away and whipped around. "Lucina, you don't understand there was--" I glanced around, the fog and mysterious red-eyed figure gone. "...nothing?" I whispered out as I felt humiliation build up within me.

Lucina sighed as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the exit. "I think you've had too much to drink. There's nothing in here. You must've been seeing things, Zel." She said as she tugged me along with her.

The sudden feel of determination washed over me and yanked my hand back and rushed over to the stall where the fog had came out of from before. "I didn't drink anything, I'm not drunk. I know I didn't see things, Lucina, I know that for a fact."

When I opened the stall, I felt myself swallow up in shame, I had been wrong. I must've been seeing things because the stall was completely empty, just as the bathroom was. Shaking my head, I refused to believe it. "I-I don't understand...there was fog everywhere! And then this thing grabbed me--"

Lucina cut me off, grabbing my wrist again and pulling me to the door. "Zelda, let's just go. This isn't the place to discuss this, and you must've hit your head or something because there is nothing in here." She bemused, putting more emphasis on last three words.

I sighed, letting the blue-haired girl drag me out of the bathroom, and into the hallway. I whipped my head around to give the bathroom one last look. And just as the bathroom door closed I got a glimpse of something.

Of bright blood red eyes.


I sat on my bed with my eyes closed, Lucina sitting across form me in Peach's bed. She held an amused yet surprised expression when I finished telling what had happened.

Lucina shook her head, her blue hair flowing with the movement. "Zelda, I don't know what to say. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I can't find it in myself to believe you.'

Saddened, I opened my eyes and looked down. "Oh." I looked back up at her and forced a smile. "That's okay, Luc. The party's still going on, why don't you go and enjoy yourself, I don't want to be selfish and keep you away." I said as she smiled back.

She nodded and stood up from my best friend's bed. "Okay, I guess I'll see you later then, Zel." She said as she left with a farewell grin.

When she left I laid down on my bed, letting out a loud sigh. There was a this part of me that believed Lucina, that agreed that I must have consumed some sort of alcohol or hit my head. But then there was this part that refused to believe that, it knew that something supernatural had happened and didn't want to let that go.

Lastly, there was this part of me that accused Lucina. It believe she knew exactly what happened, but didn't want to say anything. She even said that I was seeing things when I didn't even explain to her what happened yet, it was kind of fishy if you ask me.

Shaking any thoughts from my head, I decided I would try to get some rest, even with the obnoxiously loud pounding music playing throughout the dorm house. I closed my eyes, and let the peaceful darkness consume me.

I woke up with a groaned and withered around when something bright flashed on my eyes. Even though my eyes were closed, it still seemed to irritate me. Opening my eyes, I moaned in frustration when I saw that it was just the morning sunlight that was pouring though the windows. I sat up, pushing away my hair from my face and got out of the bed.

I stretched my arms and walked into the bathroom, the sudden urge to use the restroom becoming strong. Seeing as last night, I kind of didn't get the chance to pee.

After...relieving myself, I went into the fairly small kitchen and grabbed a box of Fruit Loops that was standing on top of the fridge. I pulled out a carton of milk and went to the cupboards to get a small bowl.

I sat down as the tiny table Peach and I squished into the kitchen and lifted the spoon full of cereal to my lips, ready to put it in my mouth when a loud shrill pounding on the door stopped me. With a sigh, I placed the spoon back into the cereal-filled bowl and stood up to answer the door.

I opened the door, smacking on a big fake smile only for it to immediately drop at the sight of the person. I gasped as I placed a hand over my mouth. "Peach?!"

My eyes raked over the blonde girl as I took in her current state. Her hair was knotted and wild as her outfit was wrinkled and and shoes were missing. Wincing, I held the door open wider for her to walk in.

She walked in with a snort before turning to me with fury swirling in her big blue eyes. "You left me! I looked all over for you and you were gone! I can't believe you, Zelda. If you didn't want to go, you should've just told me. I spent my entire night worrying over you yet here you are, all nice and snugly in your bed." Peach growled as she took a threatening step towards me.

"Peach, I'm sorry. I went to the bathroom and--"

"And then what? You didn't bother to tell me you were going to bed. Zelda, I didn't even get to enjoy myself because I was too busy worrying over my best friend. I thought maybe you got kidnapped or were being taken advantage of." She stepped back and flopped onto her bed.

Her blue eyes snapped over to her small nightstand and she stood up, once again angry. "Someone was over?" Peach whispered angrily as she lifted up an unfamiliar phone.

I stepped over to her and took it out of her hands. "Oh, this is Lucina's. She probably left it." I said, not noticing the girl get more mad.

"Oh, so you not only ditched me at the party, but you ditched me to hang out with another person?! Can someone give you the award for Best Fake Friend of the year." She sneered as I could sense a bit of jealously in her tone.

Now kind of irritated, I glared back. "Could you just let me explain?!"

"Explain what? There's nothing to explain. You ditched me at the party to be with Lucina. I get it Zelda, you just didn't want to be with me."

"Peach, that isn't what happened. If you would let me explain, you would understand." I said a bit harshly as she leered at me with hard eyes.

The blonde girl pushed past me and to the door. She opened it and was about to walk out of the dorm before she gave me a cold glare. "It's okay, Zelda. You don't need to explain. I got your message loud and clear." She said with venom in her voice before shutting the door with so much force that the walls rattled.

Normally, I would be freaking out over the fact that my best friend and I had a fight, but that wasn't what I was freaked out about.

It was the fact that her normally blue eyes looked just like the red eyes from the bathroom.


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