~I Can't~

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~Dallas' POV~

As I walked up to the gate I watched a smile come to Carl's face, I ran through the gate only to have Negan grab me and pulled me back. I looked at him and shook my head pulling my arm from his hold, I walked away until I heard the pull of a hammer.

"Your place is beside me."

I turned to him, and watched as Darren came running, I turned holding my hand out to stop him. I pulled him behind me, before looking back at Negan shaking my head, looking back at Darren.

"Negan, I want to be with my family while I'm here, the rest of the time I'm gone, I'm by your side I need this, please."

He dropped his gun nodding his head before a smirk came to his face.

"As long as you share a bed with me, from now on."

I let out a shaky breath holding in my tears.


With that I picked up Darren carrying him back to the house, I walked in locking the door before looking at him.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could've been seriously hurt, he already threatened Judith. From now on you stay in this house, as long as Negan's in town you stay with your dad, or Carl understands?"

He nodded his head.

"Alright mom."

I sighed, shaking my head pulling him into a tight hug having missed my boy, when we pulled away I looked around not seeing Daryl.

"Where's your dad?"

"Don't know, don't care."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"Young man I'm telling you right now, you better fix the attitude you have towards your dad, it's gonna get your ass beat."

"He's not my dad, he may be my blood but he's not my dad, he's never been there for me, hell he left us."

I shook my head.

"I'm not getting into this with you, he loves you, get your shit together, otherwise you're gonna lose everything."

"I already did, I lost you."

With that he walked away and I sighed letting a tear fall, I dried my eyes before walking out of the house. I saw Daryl up on the gate, I shook my head going over he looked down at me and I saw his Dixon blues brighten. He jumped down pulling me close holding me as if I would vanish before his very eyes and soon I would. When we pulled away he took my face in his hand and I took his hands in mine shaking my head.

"What's going on with our son?"

"He misses ye, we need ye home."

I shook my head.

"Daryl, you know I can't, it's only been a few days, I need more time."

"From what I heard earlier ye don't have time."

I sighed and he backed away a bit.

"Ye want this don't ye, ye wanna fuck him."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? He's exactly like my ex-husband, I don't want this shit, I want nothing more than to come home to you but I can't yet. If this is how you see it, then you don't need me around, and I'm taking my son because I was wrong about you being nothing like your ol' man."

I went to walk away but he pulled me back crashing his lips to mine, I pushed him away shaking my head.

"No, you don't get to accuse me of wanting to fuck another man then kiss me like nothings changed, everything's changed."

With that I walked away going over to Negan, he smirked.

"Trouble in paradise Darlin?"

"Fuck off Negan."

"Only in you."

I shook my head.

"Listen Daryl and Darren are having a hard time, I need to be able to bring Darren with me."

He shook his head.



"Your kid, and his daddy need to learn a thing or two."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"I want to use reverse psychology on Darren, the only way I can do that is if he's with me, I need him to see that I can be the bad parent too. I need him to want to be with Daryl, I need him to gain a bit of hate for me, so he can gain a bit of love for Daryl. Please Negan."

"You know you're asking for an awful lot today."

"My requests are small compared to what you're asking of me."

"I suppose so, alright, but I bring him back in a week, that means you won't see Daryl for a week."

"That's all I need."

With that I walked to Carl and Judiths, I walked in seeing Judith sitting on the couch hugging a crying Darren. I sighed, shaking my head as I walked farther into the room, I leaned against the door frame clearing my throat, making them both look at me.

"Go pack a bag Darren, you're coming with me."


"You heard me, go home and pack your shit, we leave in five, hug your girl and let's go."

He sighed giving Judith a hug before running next door packing his pack, meeting me at the front gate. I took him by the arm, making him look at me, his eyes went wide and I sighed shaking my head.

"When we leave these walls you listen to me, do you understand me? I say jump you say how high, got it?"

He nodded his head and I looked at Daryl shaking my head, the gate opened and I pulled Darren with me handing him a knife. We walked and walked until Darren's feet hurt, now usually I'd pick him up but he's a big boy now. He doesn't need his mommy, and he can't show he's weak, these men will pull him to shreds if he shows any sign of weakness. He looked at me with a small sad smile on his face and I shook my head pulling one of my knives killing a walker as it came from my side.

"Mom are you alright?"

I shook my head.

"No, why couldn't you have at least tried to get along with your dad? Now you're out here and I have to be the bitch to keep you safe. I never wanted you to be a part of this and since you had to be stubborn you don't get to be a kid. Grow the fuck up and keep walking, never show weakness, the last thing I need is to get shot because you got fucked in the ass by one of these fat fucks."


I looked at him.

"No, don't mom me, now I have to be the hard ass, you put me in this position, you think your father was bad? Oh just you wait you're about to see a side of momma you never knew existed. The side of me even your father never got to see, the part of me before I met your father when I was alone on this hell of an earth. However you got to know that anything I do, just like your father I'm doing to save you, you understand me?"

He nodded his head and I saw sadness in his eyes knowing that within a week he'll want nothing more than to be back with Daryl and the others.

~Darren's POV~

After my mom's little speech I knew what she was trying to do, at the moment though I couldn't tell if it was going to work or not. However I knew that no matter what I saw I wasn't going to run, I couldn't, all it would do is prove that I'm weak, and I'm not. A Dixon shows no weakness, even though I guess my ol' man and my mom are exceptions, Uncle Merle would be having a field day with this shit.

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