~Welcome to Alexandria~

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~Dallas' POV~

From the moment we woke up today we've been walking while Negan and his people follow in their vehicles. Now the walking wasn't my idea, that was all Daryl, I think Negan makes him feel uneasy and violent beyond reprieve. I knew where Negan was leading us, we all did, we were going back to Alexandria, and Daryl isn't too thrilled about it. I sighed looking at Daryl, before looking in front of us at Judith and Darren, as I was about to say something the familiar groans and moans came from the woods. I watched as two walkers went right for Darren and Judith, I went to run to help them but Daryl grabbed me pulling me back. I struggled against his hold, as he pulled me back and to say the least I was pissed, I swung causing him to let me go. I pulled his crossbow firing the two arrows that were loaded watching the walkers fall. I let out a deep breath as Judith and Darren ran to us, Judith hugged Carl close while Darren ran to me, I hugged him close before looking at Carl.

"Will you take them to the driver window, tell them we're going to stop for a moment to rest alright?"

He nodded his head and I looked back at Daryl shaking my head before shoving his crossbow in his chest.

"They are children, one of them is ours, and they are our responsibility, you keep me from protecting them again, I'll slip this ring off permanently. I love you, but this family has lost too much, I'm not adding them to the list, we protect our own, always have. Figure your shit out, or keep your distance, stop acting like a dick and make their experience better, or at least act like you're on board."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't trust him."

"This isn't about him, this isn't about me, this is about Judith and Darren, giving them the childhood they've never had. You're getting in the way of that, get over this, or you'll lose everything, including me."

He frowned, nodding his head.

"Alright, for them, for ya, but I don't trust him, and if he does anythin we're out promise?"

"I promise, but don't ever put our son in danger again, they're too young, and too good for this world. All I'm trying to do is give them the life my little girl never got, the life she never got to start. Our son and that little girl have a chance here, don't risk that, and don't break my heart again, I can't take it."

He sighed, wrapping his arms around me holding me close, before pulling away, giving me a small kiss. I pulled away leaning my forehead against his before shaking my head and looking back at the trucks.

"We should get going."

He nodded his head taking my hand in his, and I sighed, hollering.

"Carl, let's move!"

He stepped out hitting the hood of the trucks telling them to get ready, as we made our way to Alexandria. Daryl and Is' hand never separating when we reached the gates of Alexandria Negan stepped out of his trailer. I sighed as the gates opened and we were welcomed in, Daryl was met with Aaron who was still working on that same old motorcycle, and the rest were well, them. We were given our own houses and Carl met up with Enid, I knew that they were good together. Carl, and Judith were given their own home, while Daryl, Darren, and I get our own, I know Daryl doesn't like this, however we're neighbors, so it shouldn't be too bad. As Daryl and I walked into the house Darren ran upstairs picking his room, I followed leaning against the door frame smiling at him. Daryl soon joined, wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close, I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder with a smile on my face.

"This is all I want for him, he looks so happy."

"I can agree with that, I'm glad he's happy, I need to talk to you."

I sighed taking his hand in mind as we walked down the hall to the master bedroom, I closed the door and he sighed.

"Earlier on the road with the walkers and the kids, I was trying to see how they would handle it. We ain't gonna be around forever, they ain't always gonna be able to call for us, they need to take care of themselves."

"I understand that Daryl, but they're kids, Judith is 7, Darren is only 6, they're basically babies. You can't do that, they aren't you, they aren't ready for that, I love you, but you need to use your head. I'm a mom, I defend and protect my cubs, you're a dad, you should've defended your cub, you didn't and that scares me."

He sighed nodding his head.

"Dallas we've been training them for years, they shoulda been able to handle it."

"That's not for us to decide, that's up to them, when they're ready they'll rise to the fight when it comes but not now alright? Just give them time please, lets see if this will workout alright?"

"Yeah, alright."

I sighed before hearing the water in the bathroom start up, I gave Daryl a confused look before we walked down to the bathroom. We looked in and saw Darren standing there touching the warm water, he looked at us with a smile.

"We have warm running water."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Yeah, and your dad and I are gonna leave you to your water, just make sure you clean the tub when you get out."

He smiled nodding his head, and the rest of the afternoon he played in the water till it was cold. When he got out he changed into clean clothes before going to sleep in his room. Daryl and I took a joined shower however we decided not to do anything till we get some real sleep. When we got out of the shower we changed into the only clean clothes we had before going to bed falling into a peaceful sleep. Knowing that tomorrow we start a new life, and get to meet a few of the members of our new community.

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