Just Another Phanfic

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This is my first Phanfic, okay...so sorry for the rubbishnessystuff. If I got any facts wrong it's because I'm too lazy to proof read...ha. Tell me what you think, please :) - Sarah.


'Hey, aren't you Charlie McDonnell's brother?' I sighed, pushing a strand of my quite long black hair behind my ear and turned to face the little girl who questioned me.

'Yes, I am...what do you want?'

I thought moving here would get me away from all that but, no. I didn't mean to be bitchy but as you seen, I am 'the' Charlie McDonnell's brother, yes the one who has over a million subscribers on YouTube. I'm on YouTube as well as Charlie, I might be only 25 now but it was always my dream to be a big YouTuber, he beat me to it. Like in everything we do, he always has to beat me. We've always been in competition ever since I made a channel...he made one too. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother but I want to be known as me not as his brother. Worldwide fame has gone straight to his head; he doesn't care about us anymore. He spends all his money on himself and treats his family like crap, but he's still family.

'Can I have a picture please'

The little girl had ran to my side smiling up at me, she was so cute but -

'I always watch your YouTube videos, you're so talented...you're my idol'

Not everything is bad then, I posed for a picture with her and signed a piece of paper she had. I do get quite a few people asking me for pictures and stuff but it's all mainly to brag that they met one of Charlie's relations. Sometimes it's one of my 550,000+ subscribers off my YouTube channel; AmazingPhil. That's also my name, Phil...I'm quite big on YouTube to be honest. I do vlogs and some other random videos, I've had YouTube for a few years now and have gained some hardcore fans that have been there from the start, there were always haters because of Charlie but nothing too bad has ever happened, apart from this one time...but never mind that now.

I love my life now, when Charlie's crazy fans aren't around, they can be so hassling. I used to live in Manchester but when Charlie got quite famous, a lot of arguments started so me and my Dad jumped ship and moved further North. It was too crazy there still so we moved back to a part of London because Dad had old friends here; we only moved here last week so I'm still settling in, haven't met up with his friends yet. Uni doesn't start till September; I have the whole of the summer holidays to settle myself in. I hated new Unis, especially now, everyone had their own little groups and I never fitted in with them. I was 'different', I didn't dress the way everyone else did, like the same music... Hopefully this university will be better. This new place seemed quite cool and friendly so hopefully I will be fine!

The little girl had long gone and it looked like I had the whole park to myself, other than a bunch of lads messing around down the far end. It was so peaceful walking through the park with the trees swaying gently, and the weather was perfect. Unlike England usually. I put my earphones on and turned my favourite song, 'Toxic' on full volume, adjusted my Muse top, and started walking towards my new home. It was only ten minutes away from here.

I headed towards the gates and had nearly reached there when I felt a sharp pain shooting through my back and someone falling on top of me...I hit the ground, hard, my phone sliding away from me. I felt my eyes closing.

*ten minutes later*

'He's coming round, his eyes are opening, HE'S NOT DEAD' I could hear a boy's voice crying above my face.

'Shut it you idiot, you knocked him clean out. Why the hell did you run right into him?'

'Shut up, you know how clumsy I am!'

I opened my eyes and stared at all their faces; they looked quite familiar. I shook my head and looked at them again.

'Uhm, are you okay?'a tall tanned boy was smiling down at me and started to help me to my feet.

'Urm, yeah...I'm a little dazed but what exactly happened?'

One of them pointed at the tanned boy and started laughing hysterically.

'Dan ran right behind you and fell head over heels for you'

Him and the other lad started laughing like crazy, but Dan started to blush and looked away. He caught my eye and I winked at him, he smiled back. I think we could get along well to be honest, he seemed quite sweet.

'I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to surprise you. We've seen you round here a few times this week, we thought you would like to be shown round properly...if you want'

He rubbed the back of his neck, flinching slightly, not looking me in the eye and still blushing, so cute!

'Yeah, I'd love it I just moved here...what are your names, guys?'

A skinny boy, started introducing everyone.

'I'm PJ, and these two are Dan and Chris.' He winked at me when saying Dan's name, my turn to blush. 'What's yours?'

Chris looked at me properly and spoke for me.

'He's Phil Lester, that Charlie one's brother.'

Great another fan boy...

PJ seen my face turn to anger and smiled sympathetically at me. 'Come on, LET'S GET THIS TOUR STARTED!'

I hobbled along beside him, hanging onto his arm, my leg still in pain. From the corner of my eye I could see Dan staring at PJ in envy, he can't like me already can he? Though I think I'm starting to fall for him...god.

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