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The week starts and I have to force myself to go to campus, I also have to force myself to concentrate. I've stopped crying but the pain is still very much there in my heart and it hurts like hell

I try so hard to focus during a lecture but after the fifth slide I feel myself lose all interest, as always. I don't understand why we have to gather for someone to repeat exactly what's in the textbook. Yes it looks more colorful and shorter in the slide shows that the professor presents to us but come on, I could go through this content at the comfort of my own home.

As soon as the lecture ends I pack my bag and head to the cafeteria but someone calls from behind "Khana! Wait up" I turn and find Brandon jogging towards me "Where to?"

"The cafeteria" I point towards its direction and he starts walking with me. Brandon is in his fourth year and he's also studying law so he tutors me from time to time. We met early this year from a mutual friend and we just hit it off, I might have even had a crush on him at some point, maybe I still do I mean the guy is good looking for sure. If only there wasn't a certain Italian who refuses to leave my mind...

"How are you feeling? I tried reaching out to you at Allie's funeral but her brother made it a bit hard" I sense a bit of annoyance in his tone

"I'm okay I guess...just taking it one day at a time. Dante was just trying to help me cope that's all" saying his name makes my mind wander off to the last time I saw him. It's been a day already and he's still lingering in my head. What pisses me off is that these emotions are most definitely one sided

"I get it, How about we do something fun this weekend, I'll tell the other guys and you can invite Audrey too. You know...just to get us out of this funk and back into living mode"

"I think that would be fun, I'm definitely game for a day out" I smile at him and we continue walking. After my break we both head to different lecture halls and the day continues. When my classes are done I go home feeling a bit lighter than I did earlier. It seems keeping busy has a way of making one not dwell in their sorrow and as the week progresses, the feelings of sorrow are slowly getting suppressed and I'm getting back into my old self again

Just as I expected , Dante doesn't contact me and I'm starting to forget about our little intimate moment that happened almost a week ago. He's probably focusing on getting his life back on track just as I am and Audrey is starting to lose hope. One more day and she's going to have to pay me the 100 bucks we bet with, now thats a thought that puts a smile on my face, money does buy happiness, don't let anyone fool you.

On Fridays I only have two classes so by three in the afternoon I'm already home and relaxing while Audrey prepares for a shift

She works as a chef at a nearby restaurant and she's been picking up extra shifts because one of her colleagues isn't well So she's been very scarce lately

"one more day then you give me my money" I remind her with a wide grin. I honestly can't decide whether I'm happy with Dante not contacting me or I'm disappointed, but who am I kidding, obviously someone like him wouldn't pursue someone whose still in school, it's all just wishful thinking on my side

"It's still a day, anything can happen in a day" she responds and I roll my eyes at her optimism, she won't admit she was wrong

After she's done getting ready she leaves and I make some coffee and binge watch SWAT and  When I'm done I watch NCIS while wondering why Bishop and Torres won't get together already, it's clear to see they are into each other. This is another one of my favourite things to do, solving cases with TV characters with a cup of coffee on my hand.

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