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The following morning I wake up and stir a little but I can't really move because Dante is holding on to me tight and I just can't get his strong arm  to let me loose

I take it as an opportunity to freely check him out, his strong chest, his sharp jaw and soft lips. Everything about Dante is attractive, even in his sleeping this man is just... Wow

"I can feel your eyes on me you know" He mumbles with a small grin making me divert my gaze somewhere else while blushing

I try to move away from him but he holds on to me and opens his eyes "Good morning" I say expecting to see some regret about last night but there's none, he's just smiling at me

"Good morning, Did you sleep well?" he nuzzles my neck

"I did, you?"

"Better than I have in a while" he's still smiling

"That's good to hear" so this is the awkwardness people talk about after a hook up

"Do you regret - " he asks and there's uncertainty in his voice

"No I don't" I cut him off, if anything I had the time of my life "what about you? "

"No, I don't regret a single thing" he says

"It was great... I mean... Okay this is embarrassing " my words run out, trust me to tell a guy that having sex with him was great, I feel like face palming myself right now

Dante chuckles making me feel a bit silly "I agree, It was great. It was incredible"

"And we should probably get you out of here before my friend sees you"

He fakes a pout "Tossing me out already Miss Khana?"

"I don't mean it like that... I  mean... I just don't want her asking endless questions" I look at him and he laughs

"I'm just messing with you. I understand, you have a nosy friend" He lets go of me and gets up, I can't help but fix my eyes on him as he gets dressed, contemplating if I should wait for him to turn so I can also get dressed, but then again what am I still hiding, he's seen me naked and he's fucked me... Good, so good

I get up and start getting dressed too then I lead him out of my room, silently praying that Audrey is still in her room. The higher force decides to reject my prayer because she's already up with a big smile plastered on her face

"Twice already" she says then winks and me

"Good morning Audrey" Dante greets her

"Good morning Dante, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks and yourself?"

"Oh I'm great now, I'm a hundred bucks richer" She raises her eyebrow and Dante gives me a confused look but I just shake my head as I lead him to the door

"Don't mind her" I open the door and he stands next to me

"We will talk" he says then kisses my cheek and leaves. I get my breathing in control before I turn to look at an eager Audrey

She stretches her hand in front of me and I roll my eyes then go into my room and come back with a R100 note that I place on her hand

"Thank you my lady" she sings


"Oh no you aren't getting off the hook so easily, I want to know what happened last night. This is the second time he wakes up in your room"

"We just slept"

"Again? Haa! No way!" she stares at me with her eyes wide open

"Okay fine! We kissed" I roll my eyes at her

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