New beginnings

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Chapter one:

"I really don't want to move dad, this is my home" i plead to my father

"It will be fine, Australia is an amazing country and your cousins are there and it will be great to see some of your family after your mothers death"

I know my fathers right, it will be nice to have a change and be somewhere where every corner I turn I am not reminded of my mother.

Her death was unexpected. She was a happy healthy outgoing person, or that's how it seemed. So the whole town was shaken when the news of her suicide got out in the community.

I could barely face my friends when returning to school, the stares, the whispering and the comments from other classmates was too much to handle.

The next morning I woke up and packed the last of my things into my bag and headed to the airport with my dad. I felt way too anxious to eat anything and airport food was gross anyway, so while my dad was ordering I popped in my airpods and opened twitter.

It's no surprise when the first thing I see is a new tweet from my cousin's band. They've retweeted a news article with the title "5sos finally releases the long awaited first album"

"Did you see Ashton's band release an album" I tell my dad when he returns.

"Well finally, we've all been waiting, you can celebrate with them all when we land"

"Dad i haven't seen any of them for years, i doubt they'll even remember who i am"

"Oh sweetie of course they will you guys were best friends for years" he tells me as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. We stay like that until it's time to board the plane.

After exiting the plane in sydney me and my dad head to collect our bags and then make our way to the lobby. The first person I saw was my cousin Lauren, she ran straight towards me and I dropped my bags to hug her.

She's only a year younger than me and we were always very close. Walking up behind her I see Harry and my auntie and I'm guessing Ash. he's wearing a black beanie and sunglasses, I'm guessing to disguise himself from fans.

"Nice outfit" I tell him as he hugs me.

"I've missed you kay'' he whispers.

He's the only one that calls me that, my real name is kaylee, and that's what everyone calls me. But Ashton has always been like a big brother to me so he never listened when I told him to stop, so I just kinda got used to it now.

I catch up with Ash, Lauren and Harry while our parents are discussing things. And then before I know it we're all piling into Auntie Ann's car and making our way to her house for dinner.

When we arrived at Auntie Anne's house Harry and Lauren ditched me straight away to play xbox, so I went with Ash up to the 'parents living room'. I remember me and Ash used to play ninja games and try to sneak in here without our parents seeing, and whenever my mum or Auntie Ann would catch us they'd pretend like they couldn't see us because we were 'ninjas' and we'd laugh to each other because we thought we had succeeded.

Oh how i miss those days it's weird now that we're allowed to be in here. I turn my head to Ashton and he gives me a small smile that shows he understands what I'm thinking.

"I'm sorry about your mum kay" he tells me as he cuddles into me.

"Thanks, being here really reminds me of her, and our childhood" i reply to him

" I know, it feels like so long ago, i mean you turn 17 soon, we're all grown up now, no more playing Ninja's to make it into this room" He laughs

"Nope we're finally old enough to sit here, but how have you been, I mean with your band and everything, I saw that you released your album. I mean good job. You've definitely improved since you and I were putting on concerts for our parents."

" Yes, we finally signed with a manager, there's even talk about touring soon. You should come watch our rehearsal one day, the boys haven't seen you in years.''

" Yeah, I'll think about it. If I'm not too busy with school. I've got a lot to catch up with. I didn't really go much back in London"

"Well Luke can help you, you two are the same age, and he's smart. I'll give him your number, and tell him to call you."

Before I can tell Ashton not to bother, Dad is calling us to come eat dinner. I sit down at the table next to Harry and he is telling me all about how he's teacher is evil, and how she made him do his homework even though he didn't want to.

"So Kaylee, are you excited to be back here in Australia now?" Auntie Ann asks me as she serves up everyone's dinner.

"I think so, i'll see how everything goes, i'm a bit scared to have to make new friends at school"

"Well i'm sure Ashton wouldn't mind if you hung out with him and his friends', right Ashton"

"Of course mum, Kaylee is always welcome to hang with us"

Auntie Anne is sweet and all but I don't think hanging out with my older cousin and his friends is the best way to get a good reputation at my new school.

After dinner my dad and I said goodbye to everyone before we called a Taxi to take us back to our new house. We didn't really use our own car back in London, traffic was always too bad and most of us relied on public transport. But here it seems necessary to have our own car, so that's on dad's to do list for tomorrow.

When we walked in the door I instantly fell in love with the apartment. It was only small but the design was very modern.

My bedroom has its own walk-in robe and bathroom and I love it. Most of my boxes are stacked up but at least my bed is set up and my blankets and stuff have been in my backpack so I hop in bed and get ready to sleep.

Just as i'm about to fall asleep my phone dings and when i check it it's a message from an unknown number. "Hey Kaylee!! It's Luke, It's been forever since I've seen you and I'm so glad you're back! Ashton said you'd need help catching up, so let me know when you want to meet." I smiled at his message.

I grew up with Luke he's my age so we we went to kinder together and we started school at the same time, our parents were also close meaning Ash, him and I were always hanging out then they started the band with Ash's other friends Calum and Michael and i moved soon after that so i never really got to know the others and Luke obviously became close with them.

I type a quick reply telling Luke I'm available to meet up tomorrow afternoon, and that he can come over here if he wants to. Then I turn my phone off and head to sleep.

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