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Chapter 4 - Kaylee's POV

We're all sitting down at Ashton's table snacking on random things he had in his pantry. I just watched them practice one of their songs for the band and I even got up and danced with Luke. It was so much fun.

I didn't even realize how much I missed Luke while I was in London but my life has never felt more full then it does right now sitting next to Luke and surrounded by my new friends and my cousins.

It's nice to feel happy again and I never want to lose this. The feeling of feeling safe and comfortable to be myself.. It's nice.

I join back into the conversation and try to defend myself when Luke and Ash start telling the other boys stories of when I was younger.

And when defending myself failed, I fight back and tell the boys about the time Ash and Luke tried to make me a tire swing and managed to make the whole tree fall down in the backyard. In their defense the tree was about as tall and skinny as me.. It was just never gonna work.

We all laugh at the stories. This day has been amazing even after my panic attack. These boys manage to bring me back to the old me, the one we've all been missing.

And then Luke takes the words right out of my mouth when he suggests we all have a sleepover at Ashtons tonight since we have a day of school tomorrow.

"I wish i could but i have so much unpacking i have to do, i mean my room is just full of boxes'' i tell him

"So let's stay at your house? We can help you unpack" Calum offers

We all agree that that's a great idea, and I'm sure my dad won't mind. He loves Ashton and Luke and won't mind the other two. I tell them I have to get a few things ready before they come over and to meet me there at around 4.

I say bye to them all, as well as Harry and Lauren before making my way home. When I get home I make sure Dad's ok with the boys coming over and of course he's fine with it.

So I take a quick shower and head into the only room where everything is unpacked which of course is my wardrobe.

I pick out an oversized band t - shirt and some grey sweatpants then tie my long blond hair into a messy bun on the top of my head.

Just as I'm finishing putting on a little makeup I hear the doorbell ring so I make my way downstairs to answer it.

"Welcome Ashton, this is my new house" I tell him as I let him through the door

"Ooh very nice, I like it"

We sit down and talk about stuff for a while, and then soon everyone else has arrived and we're up in my room unpacking boxes and re-organizing everything.

"Omg Kaylee I didn't realize you were such a big fan" Calum says as he pulls out the signed version of their first ep that Asthon sent when it was release

"Oh you wish" I told him as I threw the closest thing to me at him, which turned out to be a stuffed koala that Ashton had also sent me right after I moved to London.

"Oh my gosh Kaylee we were so cute!!" look says as he shows me a picture that was taken on our first day of prep, we were both in our little uniforms and we really were adorable.

"Are you saying I'm not cute now?" i ask pretending to be offended

"Oh you are.. I mean.. Just not.." Luke's cheeks flash red and he almost seems nervous i don't know why but i just ignore it

"Kaylee and Luke sitting in a tree" both Calum and Michael start singing at the same time

'"Oh shut it " Ashton tells them

It's weird I never thought Luke and i could be a couple but now I'm not sure over the last few days things have been different.

I'm distracted from my thoughts when i hear Ashton yelling


"I mean we can if you want" I told him.

He immediately makes his way downstairs to the lounge followed closely behind by Cal and Mike. Luke and I look at each other and laugh at their childish behavior and then make our way down with them.

After a few rounds of the boys competing with each other they have decided to make it their mission to get me to play with them.

"I'll buy you more ice cream" Ashton pleads

"I'll do your homework for a week" Luke offers, and I can't help but say no to that one. I hate homework.

So now I've found myself holding a microphone about to compete against Michael singing girl on fire. And I have to win because Michael is most definitely not a girl on fire.

Michael and I are both coming to a draw right up until the high note in the chorus. I wanted to win this, so I had to hit that note. 3 years of private singing lessons all comes down to this.

When the song was over I was so excited that I had won. I turned to celebrate with the boys and to my surprise there all facing me, looking surprised

Had none of them ever heard me sing?

"Your.... Amazing" Calum said

"Well, I try" I laugh

"No like seriously you have talent" Luke says pulling me down to sit with him. "You might even be better than me"

"Well we'll have to see about that" I say as I give him the microphone for the game.

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