The Door

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    Hermione could not do this on her own.

    Despite her protests to the Medi-witch that she was fine and that she would continue to wait this out in the Bathroom, Hermione knew that she was already fighting a losing battle. She had trapped herself within the cold-tiled walls for nearly three hours as she had fell asleep on the floor, but what she woke to was far worse than what she had fallen asleep to.

   The heat on her skin was back, along with the intensity in a few other places, too. The ache had been gradually building between her legs, but it wasn't for the feeling of her own fingers... it was an ache to be filled and stretched.

   It was an ache to be taken and filled by someone who could satisfy the cravings that were consuming her body and mind.

    As she pulled herself off the floor and slumped back against the cold wood of the door, she felt the desperate need for another shower to take the warmth from her skin. She about to move when she heard the main door to the room opening, and large footsteps walking towards the bathroom door.

    Hermione knew it was him before he even knocked. She knew his foot-falls and she could sense him...she could smell him. The scent of him was dulled by the door between them, but he smelled like everything she was attracted to. It was frustrating and utterly intoxicating.

   Why was he back? Hermione was positive that he would have left her to it. He owed her nothing. Was he really willing to put himself through this with her just because he felt responsible for her situation? She had already told him that he wasn't to blame.

    "Granger," he started through the door, and she instantly bit her lip. God... this was getting harder.

    "I need you to open the door..." he told her in a gentle voice. Almost too gentle, like he thought she was extremely fragile. "...I need to speak to you; I've told the Healer's I'll make sure you're okay."

   "Why are you back?" she managed to get out. "I thought-"

   "I told you I want to help." He answered. "I just needed to gather myself...I've been speaking to the Healer's. You need to let them in Granger, they're only trying to help you."

    "No," she told him defiantly. "I just need to stay in here and-"

    "I can smell your scent from out here." He warned her, his voice low. "You'll drive yourself fucking mental in that bathroom... you have to come out."

   "I just need to control my-" she started and gritted her teeth against a wave of Arousal. It was only getting stronger now that he was back.

    "-The Healer's gave me some information to pass along to you." He told her sternly. She sighed loudly against the door, letting his voice wash over her. It felt like she was in and out of consciousness; his voice was hypnotic and turning her brain to mush.

    "They've told me to tell you that to keep yourself lucid that you've got to-" he paused for a second and his voice held an awkward tone. "-you've got to give in to the urges,'ve got to orgasm."

 Oh...oh, that word coming from his mouth... it did things to her.

   "I apologise for walking away before...I hadn't Occluded enough..." his voice deepened slightly, like he was still trying to control himself. "It just took me by surprise, I am usually more in control of myself than that... Come on Granger, at least just let me make sure you've come to no harm in there."

    Hermione wasn't sure how she managed it, but she brought herself up against the door and turned against it; turning the doorknob and opening the door slowly, her legs shaking. As the crack in the door grew larger, more and more of Malfoy's large frame came into view as his arms stretched out on each side of the door frame, his chest rising and falling rapidly and his eyes shut tight as she opened it the whole way.

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