Chapter 33

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(Jerome's POV)

I have to tell Sarah why I did what I did. But it's too dangerous. Mitch is out of control. Ever since I got that letter in the mail with the medical report, I've been so concerned and maybe a bit over protective.

She doesn't even know about Mitch. Where did we go wrong?

(Sarah's POV)

I can't believe Jerome! The nerve on him... Wait, but Jerome wouldn't beat up Mitch without a reason. Maybe I should go and talk to him in person.

I walked back to the hospital and enter Jerome's room with Sophia holding my hand.

"Jerome?" I knocked on the door.

"Sarah..." He looked up at me with puffy red eyes. Has he been crying?

"Are you alright?" I sat down next to him.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm okay." He sighed.


"I-I'm not okay..." Jerome started breaking down crying.

"Why? What's wrong?" I inched closer to him.

Jerome explained to me how Mitch is a crazy psychopath (but not really I'm just saying that to describe him in layman's terms) and how he had to defend himself because Mitch needed something.

"Wait... What did he need?" I took Jerome's hand.

"Your life..."

Dancing in the Rain (sequel to Singing in Sunshine) JeromeASF and BajanCanadian Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now