There mamma goes again with that worried look in her eyes again after laughing with me at Payton. "Mamma continue." She hesitated," okay I took off because I didn't want to tell you and Payton over the phone but Daddy has cancer and might not make it much longer" she says crying her eyes out. I run over to her sobbing, it'll be okay mamma we will tell Payton and head to California to see and help Daddy okay mamma?" She shakes her head," okay my baby let's tell Payton and pack y'all bags" I wouldn't have a doubt in the world that Payton would cry harder than me. Him and daddy have a bond that formed when he was born. Me and dad are the pair though. He's more of a mammas boy but when daddy's hurt he's hurt more than daddy is that daddy's hurt. But it's always been me to be a daddy's girl. "PAYTON GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!" I yell louder than I ever had before sending him down here faster than the speed of my thoughts. As mamma tells him "something is wrong with daddy" he started balling his eyes out he didn't even know what was wrong but he knew it had to be bad. I held my brother for the first time in years and comforted him in my arms for a good fifteen minutes when he pulls away and tells mamma to continue. When mamma actually told him what she toils me he was sad grieving and angry.... wait what... angry why is he angry? He gets up and walks out the house slamming the door. We all know what happens when he gets mad he goes and kills the people who threatened us either now or before or maybe even a year ago. But hey! Everyone had their own way of letting anger out. Me mamma and soon his friends go running downstairs and outside to follow him. Thankfully for us the garage was far and so was the driveway so we had time to catch up with him. "Payton I know your mad but no one or anything did this to daddy besides God. And no one can change that. So don't go killing. Just calm down and take a few deep breaths." He did as I said and gave me a big long hug. Maybe I really should stop being so pissy all the time and enjoy my brother's presence. I miss these moments. Even though the circumstances aren't the best, not even close by a really long long shot I love these moments with my brother even though I don't act like I like him any other day.
Lucas comes up to me a gives me and Payton a big hug. He can be really nice sometimes normally only in private when I see him in the kitchen getting a drink or something but now is different. " it'll be alright." Payton let go really quick. "NO THE FUCK IT WON'T. YOU FUCKING ASS. HOW WILL MY DADDY HAVING CANCER AND BEING ALMOST DEAD EVER BE ALRIGHT." He says with rage. This is the first time I've ever seen him mad at one of his friends like this. But when it comes to our daddy nothing puts anything past him. Lucas holds his hands up in defense. "I was just trying to help." He states sounding pitiful. "I'm sorry I just can't believe this is happening to me to court to our mamma and most of all the person who has it my daddy. He says getting lower and lower the further he gets to the end of what he's saying. "I'm sorry bro I didn't mean to make you upset it's just I don't like seeing you or court like this." He says looking really sorrowful.
The badass
Romance............---- STILL EDITING AND WRITING---......... Hi I'm Courtney Johnson and I'm the most feared most country most southern mafia leader you will meet. How am I the leader exactly you may ask? My uncle is whole Italian but my mother is only ha...