Pirate Dodgeball!

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"The next game is Pirate Dodgeball! Or also called Hit and DeadBall, whoever is hit by the opposing team is out! Unless they manage to catch it. However, in this version, spiked balls are used and the audience can participate if they catch the ball. There are many rules, all contained within a humongous rulebook!" Said the annoucner as he dropped the book which I caught with no difficulty but it was really big so Robin had to use her devil fruit to make two pairs of hands to take it from me and read it.

I didn't like reading unless it's for spells which I can read fast without the fairy glasses, so I gladly gave it to Robin.

"Among other things, the rules allow for no weapons except for a giant battle suit Foxy happens to have." Said Robin as she looked into the book.

"WHAT!? Why does he get a battlesuit full of dodgeballs and we have to use our own hands!?" I screamed in annoyance at Foxy who just grinned at me.

"Oh my dear Goddess, it's in the rulebook. So your gonna have to deal with it." Said Foxy as he again called me Goddess which I don't want him to call me that because he's not my type when it comes to men.

"If you call my master 'your Goddess' one more time i'll kill you." Said Shadow and Igneel who death glared the captain of the opposing team.

"S-sorry! Won't happen again!"

I was at the sidelines with Nami and Robin so I could help out with the rulebook since Robin hasn't even finshed a part of it.

"Oi (Y/N)! Watch me play okay!" Said my captain as he waved at me.

"Ok Luffy, but be careful! We still don't know all the rules so don't do anything out of the ordinary!" I yelled back at him with him nodding in approval and gave me a thumbs up.

"NO! (Y/N)-Koi~ Watch me instead~ I'll make you fall in love with my smooth moves~" Said Sanji as he kicked Luffy out of the way so he could talk to me.

"Your gonna be the first one out if you swoon all the damn time you shitty cook."


"Stop fighting and play already!!! I don't wanna almost lose another crew mate! We barely won the Roller Race!" Cried out Nami as she snapped at the two males.

When the game started, for the initial jump ball Luffy and Chopper in jump point snag the ball, they both managed to slam the ball into Foxy's face.

"Yes!" Cried out Nami.

"Safe!" Said the referee.


"According to the rule number 23 the face is safe!"

"He's right it says right here." I said to Nami who was about to kick the referee before I started talking.

"Magician-san is right, they're not cheating this time." Said Robin as she was reading the book with me.

"Ugh great! Zoro! Sanji! Take this!" Shouted Nami as she gave the ball to the said boys.

Zoro and Sanji managed to take out 9 people each. Robin was still reading the book but still stole a ball and handed it to Luffy and Chopper. Luffy then knocks ten players out of bounds, and the ball got picked up by the Foxy team. Chopper then throws his ball in Arm Point, but unfortunately Hamburg manages to stop his teammates from getting out of bounds, and hands both balls to a guy named Big Pan.

We fortunately dodged the ball, except for Usopp who got hit in the shoulder along with 22 players from the Foxy team, with only 2 players left, Foxy and Hamburg.

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