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(let's just pretend doctors that aren't pediatricians can treat kids & people under 18— for plot purposes)

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(let's just pretend doctors that aren't pediatricians can treat kids & people under 18— for plot purposes)

unedited, sorry for any mistakes !


"...AND WE ARE DONE." you smiled at the little girl laying sickly in the hospital bed. she smiled at you, "...does this mean i get to go to group work?" she asked.

you thought for a moment, while she looked at you

'i think i have to run some tests on her blood...but i think i have a sample so...'

"yup! you can go to group work" she beamed at the words leaving your mouth. she got up, and hugged you right tight.

"thankyouthankyou" she mumbled incoherently against your stomach, you couldn't really make out what exactly she was saying, but you could tell she was happy.

"—AND AND MY BROTHER IS COMING TO PICK ME UP! HES TAKING MY SHOPPING" you listened in, "oh really? that sounds nice" you hummed politely.

"YUP AND I GET TO PICK THREE NEW TOYS!" you could tell how excited she was, "make sure to show them to me ok?"


𖤐𖤐𖤐𖤐 𖤐𖤐𖤐𖤐

"tsuki you do nothing but work" you teased the tall blonde, he did nothing but stare daggers to the back of your head. you shrugged playfully.

"just sayin, you can take a break you workaholic" you slapped him with the back of your clipboard, he scoffed at the impact

"just cause we work at a hospital, doesn't mean you can hit me" he frowned pushing the glasses laying on his nose ridge higher up.

"i'm head doctor"

"i don't care"

"oh just shush blondie" 


you sighed finally exiting another patients room, "oh right, maki's brother is picking her up..." you walked over to maki's room.

immediately, hearing maki's sweet little voice, and a deeper one— you assumed to be her brother. his voice sounded...familiar.

you opened the door, no paying any attention to the people in front of you, simply staring at your clipboard full of notes and important information.

you pursed your lips, "ok maki and who i assume to be her brother..." you slowly looked up from your clipboard, seeing the male in front of you.



i know tsukishima really isn't a nurse
but it fits him for some reason so

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