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suna? at your workplace? the suna you stitched up yesterday at the underground fight club? you know it's a small world but damn not this fucking small? after you stitched him up you thought you'd never see him again? So what are the fuckin chances huh. confusion fills your mind as hundreds of thoughts are rushing through your head.

nevertheless, you have a job to do. you clicked your pen, "uh.. suna scan you just sign these absent forms please" you were simply looking at the forms and handed the clipboard to suna. He was amazed that his sister's doctor would be the girl he met the night before. he liked to scan your face. how it glimmered in the natural sunlight. how your eyelashes fluttered with every blink.

he was in love, and he hated it.

𖤐𖤐𖤐𖤐 𖤐𖤐𖤐𖤐

he handed you back the forms and the pen, you mustered a quick 'thank you' and headed back to the breakroom. "back so soon boss?" tsuki teased, you didnt even have the mental capacity to tease him back after what just happened. "i literally just saw him again" you spoke, "who are you talking about?" you finally snapped back into reality, realized then you didn't tell tsuki what had happened the previous night, "sit down, its kinda lot"


"so you're in love with him?"

"no??? where did you get that idea"

"you saw him again, once, and you completely lost your shit? its a small world the chances of you seeing him again arent that slim. for all we know you both could like live right next to each other or something." you hated the way tsukishima rationalized everything.

you stayed quiet as you looked away from tsukishima. you knew it was only kinda true but still. you clicked the pen you had, only it wouldn't click right, 'must be broken or something' you twisted the cap only to see a small piece of paper fall out.

ain't no way.

you looked at tsuki, he shrugged, the paper read, ' +8120-904-7006 ' ( ps dont try and call this, irl its random number help ) oh my god. he gave you his number.



if this is fake ill cry

who are you?

oh my god

that idiot

i am so sorry



it was funny


yes it was


i have a serious question

is this ur proposal

yes and no


would you like to


be my doctor

for my fights

and stuff

Ill pay you and everything


good offer

what exactly does this mean tho?

do i go to all your fights in case you get hurt?


i hate those warehouses where they are

it smells like drugs and blood


ill consider

fr? thank you so much y/n!

lmk when youve decided



"tsumu do you mind? your hot breath is getting all over my phone" suna sighed as he golden blonde send him a grin. " you falling in love aren't you." despite how idiot he was, atsumu knew suna. he knew he wouldn't be this interested in a girl he just met. he was a player, he'd never hit a girl up for any other reason than meaningless sex? no this girl is different.

"im not 'in love' i just needed a doctor, ill drop her after a while" suna rolled his eyes, he wasnt exactly the simple life kinda person. "no you won't. you may not love her yet, but you like her. her company. you know you do." tsumu sighed, "stop being dumb, ill drop her after a while you know its true" suna argued, suna knew he treated girls like trash, they all wanted relationships and he could not imagine himself waking up to the same girl every morning, it was boring.

that was until he met you.


omg skyler isn't dead and she updates!!?? what are the chances

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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