First Christmas - Calum

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You packed the car with presents, and little Kayla Hood. "Are you ready to go see grandma and grandpa? And aunt Mali?" Calum kissed Kayla on the forehead, as she giggled in response, one of the only ways a 6 month old could respond.
"Come on Cal! I'm so excited to see everyone again! And it's Kayla's first Christmas! I'm so excited!"
"Okay, okay, but I'm helping her open her presents." He said, with a serious tone.
"Just get in, loser."
He rolled his eyes, kissing Kayla once more, before hoping in, and leaving the driveway. The drive consisted of lots of singing to the Christmas carols on the radio, and Kayla even tried to sing. "Bababalao." She sang, doing her best to copy you two. "Oh my god! Did you hear that! She sang! She was singing! THAT'S GOING ON TWITTER!" Calum started to get overly excited.
"Calum, just keep your eyes on the road, and you can fangirl when we get to your parents."
He calmed down for the last 10 minuets. You finally arrived in the driveway, and Calum could not wait to get inside. "I've got Kayla!" He sang, jumping out.
"No, you get the presents, I'll get her."
His face lost all expression, as he started grabbing as many presents as he could all at once. "Calum, chill out, you can hold her the rest of the day if you want to."
He was still upset, choosing to ignore you. You went inside, greeting your in-laws with hugs, and letting them hold Kayla. You took a seat, letting Calum bring in the rest of the gifts, and when he finally finished, he snatched Kayla from Mali, and started trying to get her to sing for them.

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