Chapter 2: The awakening

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You screamed for your parents, hot, salty tears streaming down your face. When you didn't get a response, you tried the door handle. It was locked so you gave more force. The door swung open and a horrifying sight stood before your eyes. Your house was in ruins. The left wall was completely missing along with the roof. All the windows were shattered and everything else was too torn and jumbled to tell what was what. Worse, titans were roaming the city. Not just your house, but the whole block's (along with several others) had been attacked by titans one way or another. People everywhere were screaming, and you ran. You knew they weren't stupid enough to keep the gate open and let everyone die, so you sprinted there, taking care not to step on any of the thousands of dead bodies crowding the street. You didn't bother looking for your mother and father. You aready knew they were gone. When you reached the gate, you realized how lucky you had been. You were the last person able to get through. Since you were a child, they pulled you through before the rest of the adults. The gate shut with a loud slam, casting a cloud of dust to hover above it. The gaurds led you to a boat and cleared a spot for you. The boat had just made it about half way, when a titan unlike no other busted through the gate. It was silent except for the old windmill sqeaking as it turned in the wind. The titan opened it mouth and growled. It stood and waited as if expecting something. People on the ground went into a panick trying to jump onto the boats, pushing people out of the way and into the water. You stood in shock. You had never heard about a titan like this before. It had human facial features, large muscles, and what seemed to be armor covering every weak spot on its body. Before you saw it do anything, the boat passed through a tunnel, and you could no longer see the town. Then you heard all the screams go silent. Something inside you cracked. From within your bones and your heart a feeling surged throughout your body. You became determined to find out what was happening, avenge your parents, and kill every last titan. Your inner fighter had awakened, and it was about to break all hell loose.

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