Chapter 5: Eren

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You stood there, your mouth hanging open, shocked. He, Eren, was her brother. "Why..." but Mikasa left without a word before you could finish. You turn to go into the ward Eren (it felt so weird calling him that) was in. He was lying in the bed, a large bloody bandage wrapped around his head. "I guess you feel one to many times, huh?" You say to him as he laid there, unconscious. You bent your head down to look at his wound. Without even realizing it, his eyes fluttered open. He smiled and said "how you liking my battle scars?" in that hypnotizing, smooth voice. You jump back in surprise almost tripping over yourself. You feel your lips form a smirk and asked, "Army or Navy," a grin creeping onto your face. He gave a hearty laugh and looked at you with those shining, Emerald eyes. You could stare into those eyes all day. "Um... Are you gonna be ok?" you say awkwardly, forcing yourself to break the amazing silence. He touches his bandage, winces, and says,"yeah. I'll live." You give a small laugh. Is this the first conversation you've ever had with him? It feels like it. You have an urge to ask him about Mikasa, but decide not to trouble him. "He's been through enough today," you think. "My name's (Y/N)." His eyes glimmer at the sound of your name. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Eren." Blushing and without even thinking you say," I know. I mean, I don't know! But I.... Figured?" Eren just chuckles. "You're adorable when you're flustered." You laugh feeling yourself become more comfortable around him. "You're not so bad yourself hot stuff," but you instantly regret saying this, because just then you realize how hot he really is. His face is radient and his mouth is ever so tantalizing. You look at his shirt and realize that, because he was sweating from the heat, it was sticking to an unmistakable six-pack. After about 15 seconds you realize you're staring and break into a grin. He laughs at your comment and sits up, a slight wince flashed across his face. You step forward to help him. "Thanks," he smiles. You just nod your head, afraid to speak out of fear of saying something you'd regret (for example, "I like your six-pack. It's nice."). The doctor comes into the room to tell you that visiting hours are over. You feel your heart give a leap of disappointment. " Bye Eren. Feel better ok?" you say on your way out. "If it meant that I'd get to see you, then I'd heal every bone in my body, even if it didn't need it. Goodbye (Y/N)." he responded, his brown hair falling perfectly, blocking his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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