"why!? " Chp 6

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~----------------------------------~ Hi everyone! author-kun here <3

I just wanted to say once again

That I'm very sorry that my chapters always come out very late

It's hard for me to be on task with my book while I'm also working on my other One

(Which is published! )

But I'll try my hardest to post updates on this book :)


Shattered POV.
(This chapter will mostly be shattered POV!! <3)

I sat in the tree closest to nightmates room,

My aura and self being hidden and i watched my big brother crying

' Why is he crying? '

I wondered

My thoughts were filled with questions on why was he crying and then I heard a familiar voice

Soon entering my head and seeing who it was


Dream said

You may be wondering why is dream's and mines voice different aren't we the same person like nightmare?

No we aren't.

When nightmare ate the Apple he had a wish to do so we don't know yet but we will figure it out but

When dream ate the Apple his thoughts became into two

His sweet one is dream and there's me.

The one who would murder ANYONE IN OUR WAY FOR NIGHTMARE.

That's how we became us.

Of course we switch to who controls the body

So here we are

"What now dream? "

I said not caring of what the other has to say

"Please shattered! Let me control the body! Please! I miss him.. I want to hug him!"

Dream protested

"DREAM. WE CAN'T. We have to wait until he's broken to the bone. He's too determined right now. We need to break his mind. "


Before we could even steal Our lovely brothers heart

We had to break his mind.

Before we can do anything.

When our business was finished I returned to the multi verse.

With our body, with everyone else

And with nightmare.

We both saw

A sleeping nightmare

With puffy red cheeks

As much as I wanted to help him.

I couldn't.

And so I blew a kiss and left into my inky portal.


I was awoken.

I don't know by what

But it felt like..


" .. Dream?.. "

My eyes widened in fear.

*to be continued.

Sorry for the cliffhanger hehehhe <3

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