" His POV " Chp 12

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Omg guys

It's a shattered POV TIMEEE!!

buckle up and let's see :)

I'm so sorry

Exam week mates I'm so sorry qwq


Woo.. 14...k... +..


Happy tears


There he was,

The love of my life

Tied up to a chair..

Sadly I did want to hug him so tightly

that he broke but I can't because I want him to be still intact for the games we

will play in the future~

His Breathing Calmed after a while.. I'm so glad~

After I knocked him out it seemed like he was panicked but asleep?

He's so silly!

Sometimes I just what to cast him out from the outside world and keep him to myself but..

That would hurt him too badly!

We specifically tried to not hurt his slaves too much!

He'll be so happy!

He'll never want to leave again,
Never again.

I wish he understood on how much I loved him..

Why doesn't he understand!?

This is making me angry.

Soon one day.. You'll understand

You'll understand my love for you

I may be cold as the snow but you are the reason why the winter is turning into Summer

Oh my beautiful brother~

Oh how much I've wanted to do this for years..

The way your eyes shine in the dark..

Your evil Aura..

I miss your old form..


But this one is just as adorable~

As much I would love to wait and watch this form..

You have to be weaker then me right now.

Just a little potion..

A little potion to make him all mine..


Shattered had been preparing for this moment for years,

Secretly for these past 1000 of years he had been perfecting the once destructive negativity apple

Now he knew how to turn his brother back to his true form..

He walked to where he kept his.. Oddities,

He unlocked his safe and took out a potion,

A potion of positivity.

A potion of positivity that wouldn't kill him but bring him to a much more weaker state

He smirked,

Him drinking the potion and walking closer to the other

Shattered kissed the other, him slipping the potion

Inside the others mouth, and making nightmare drink it

But sadly enough his tongue was bitten..

He stopped kissing the other but smiled seductively

" Hello dear brother~
I'm so... Happy... To see you awake now~"

"Oh no no no... No brother don't be panicked..

Everything will be fine~"

The other was furious, he wasn't afraid but more of how he was furious,

So furious he wanted to kill him.

But soon enough..

A sharp pain happened.

" has it finally started? Do not worry you won't be turned back.. You'll just be very much more weaker my dear brother~"

The others eyes we're now filled with fear

What was happening?

Where is my team?






Where are ..


Then the malicious king was sent to be passed out again.

The unbearable pain consumed his body and left him to be consumed with slumber

"We will have so much fun brother.. ~"

The youngest walked out of the room

The last thing heard was the door closing and the

Sound of a lock coming from the inside.






Don't fight me plz

I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

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