" A Home " Chp 9

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Nightmare arrived at the castle once more, he had at least an hour before they arrived again

He walked to the library, grabbing a book about constellations,

He then teleported back to the kitchen,

He used a tentacle to hold up the books so that he can read in peace while grabbing ingredients, today was doing to be a bigger meal

For everyone.

He was thinking for pasta,

He started with making the pasta and then the sauce, of course not forgetting the seasoning,

He smiled and sniffed the air

What he smelled was fresh food,

Food that would make anyone's mouth water

He smiled as he heard the portals of the others in the kitchen and calmy said

" Hello everyone, the food will be ready in an hour, so please change your clothes and wash yourselves "

Nightmare chuckled as he all heard them angrily groan.

But he then heard them scurry their rooms and clean them selves up

He smiled but continued on with cooking

Soon enough the others came back downstairs in their more comfortable clothes, not dirty with blood and dust and happy.

" Please sit down, the table and food will be ready, in.. 10 minutes "

His tentacles took out the items for the table

Placing them down and settling them, he then walked over with the food that he had prepared,

Horror certainly being the most excited,

He set the food down and gave everyone a bowl of pasta

Every before they ate had said thank you and started eating, he smiled

He sat down, realizing that.. He made people with no homes, no life, no.. Nothing, have a home. They finally have some where to go and be themselves.

He was happy and they ate.. Like a real family


Until. . Killer had to mess around.

He threw some meatballs at cross and then cross started throwing items

And then it went into a food fight.

Nightmare was casually sitting there, eating his food and calmly.



He was angry.

Perfectly good food.

All ruined.



In one quick swept everyone was held with night mares tentacles

And he smiled.

Evily smiled.


He threw the pasta in their faces, soon gently dropping them and laughing evily

They all grinned and grabbed a handful.

Nightmare knowing.

There's gonna have a lot of cleaning

" shit "

He ran off just in time, panting when he was in the bathroom

He heard everywhere yelling and laughing

He sighed happily

He never knew he would have such a good friendship with all of them.

He never knew that they.. Would fill a pain in his heart..

He coughed, feeling flustered with all the happy thoughts he's having

He stood up straight trying to straighten his button up shirt a little and coughed a second time,

He walked out of the bathroom and down to the kitchen to clean up the mess he knew they made.

But was shocked when he saw that it was sparkling clean..?

He was surprised.. It even smelled good..?

He walked towards to the living room and
Saw all of them looking.. Clean..?

With all.. Clean.. Clothes?

" boss! Thank you for the clean clothes! I thought you were going to clean them tomorrow? "

Killer said happily

" uh.. Yea..! I cleaned them.. Today.. ? "

Nightmare slightly smiled, trying to remember if he did.

Killer nodded and smiled, looking back at the tv

He was confused.

Very confused

He walked back to the kitchen and saw a note

He grabbed it and opened it.

His eyes opened wide.

Filled with fear and..







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