" Dont worry " Chp 8

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Hi everyone! (●'◡'●)ノ

Author kun here! I finally decided to change this book title to

" two lovermans "

I hope you all are okay with this choice <3

Also wanted to give you all like two or three chapters full of fluff before we go into the angst,

Enjoy <3


Nightmare was soon awaken.

He looked at the giant clock in his room and realized that he had woken up much

Much more later then usual

Meaning that he'd have to check on the others in the middle of their missions

And he hated. Doing. That.

Because it consisted of him being seen as a motherly type by many but also

He usually had to bring lunch boxes for the others or clean up the blood on them

Out of all of them it has always been error and him who had the cleanest kills

And because nightmare was a clean freak.

As a child, nightmare never liked blood, he still thinks it's disgusting but gotten more used to it

But anyways..

Nightmare got up from his bed and realized he had fallen asleep with his clothes on from the day before

He walked over to his closet and grabbed some quite fancier clothes

The clothes consisting of a black corset with a golden blue lace attached,

A black button up shirt that had cuffed sleeves and leather silk black pants

He grabbed his heels that were covered in a sort of mix of a blueish gold and black

He looked himself in the mirror and smiled

" at least I have style, I should bring my handkerchief "

He grabbed his Blue Gold handkerchief

He walked down the tall hallway,

Listening to noises around him and he listened closely to his walking.

He was always told he was paranoid.

You have to be when your one of the most feared villains in this multi verse

He arrived at the kitchen and knew.

He knew that they tried making themselves lunches but failed so they left.

He sighed but put on his apron,

His tentacles grabbing items that he needed to cook and started

Making a simple bento, every bento having different foods to suit their interests

He smiled at the finished product and every tentacle grabbing one, he opened an inky portal to go to the first one,



I strung myself up in the sky having to Dodge inks paint

Him struggling to keep up with my strings,

I kept dodging and going up into the sky but also stringing up the last couple people in the au.

He needed to kill everyone off quickly to
go to my next au.

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