Chapter 26

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I'm at marching band camp, not eating my lunch so, NEW CHAPTERR

"How are our forces?" Eret asked, him and Phil were sitting at a table planning how they were going to advance.

"Sir, The Pride Kingdom lost half of its forces, as did The Sleepy Kingdom, and many more are injured. In total, we have 1,000 men and women that are unharmed physically." Karl explained laying down reports of the infirmary. Fundy and Niki both were in charge of it, so they new it was credible information.

"Thank you General, King Philza?" Eret answered simply.

"Right, so far, we have one captured the others are either dead or fled the scene. They've taken down almost all of our forces, the leaders, believed to be a crazed scientist by the name of Badboyhalo and a mad man named Jschlatt. If our information is correct then there is this, 'Egg' thing that is giving them some sort of power. This of course is all speculation." He said, Eret nodded along and Wilbur listened quietly, waiting for Techno to return.

"How do you suggest we continue?" Eret asked studying the map laying on the table.

"We shouldn't divide our forces this time, instead, we'll have them report here. Better to be fighting together then alone." Phil said, confidence in his eyes.

"Sounds good, i'll send a messenger out to gather the forces." Eret said standing.

"Father may I speak with you?" Wilbur asked bowing to the elder men, Phil simply nodded and got up.

"I'll talk more about the plan when the troops are all here, excuse me." Phil said also bowing to Eret before leaving with his son.

"Whats wrong, Wil?" Phil could sense Wilbur's unease, worry was also written all over his face.

They had walked to a secluded area away from anyone who would bother to listen.

"I'm worried about Techno, he said that the voices were talking about Tommy being in danger, I don't know much on the voices, but I do know that they can be correct. Is Tommy safe? I mean he should be right, him and his friends? We left them with Sam, and Sam's strong so they should all be safe, right?" Wilbur started spewing out his thoughts, he has been thinking about this ever sense Techno left.

"Hey, hey, calm down son. Sam is very strong and very trusted, he will keep those boys safe. If Techno is going there now then they'll be safe for sure. Keep your mind focused on the now, don't get distracted by something that you don't need to be worried about." Phil said calmly, placing a warm, comforting smile on his face.

Wilbur sighed, "Maybe I am overreacting, I'm just worried is all, thanks dad." He continued, he was still stressed a out the situation but he knew he needed to focus on the problem at hand.

"Right, well, let me know when Techno comes back. I also want you to take a group of soldiers and do a patrol around the walls, make sure no one gets in undetected, again." Phil said, gripping Wilbur's shoulder, not roughly but enough to be known.

"Yes Sir." Wilbur said bitterly, he didn't like being reminded of his mistakes but he knew he wouldn't make them again.


Word count: 600

Very short chapter and its not even good :( but I needed to get something out. I'm sorry I've been posting very little I've been stressed on some things and I've lost a lot of motivation for things. Ugh I hate this chapter :/

Also, for the friends on discord, I no longer will be using that platform, feel free to chat with me on here though, I still enjoy talking to you guys.

Much love 💚💚

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