200k Special!/Christmas Gift Part 1

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Thank you for 200k, please enjoy!


"Well," Wilbur started, "I was hoping we would meet back together but not under these circumstances." He continued, they gathered around their father that was laying sickly in the bed.

They all had very separate lives as they got older. Tommy was busy with his school, and Wilbur was busy with his musical career.

Technoblade, as he was heir to the throne, was very busy under the wing of his father.

"Indeed, I wanted you two to get here as quickly as possible. When he started showing symptoms I sent out the letters." Technoblade spoke, his usually  monotone voice was filled with sadness.

Tommy nodded, seeing his father laying on the bed ill hurt his heart. This man gave him so much in life, he gave him a life. He sniffed trying to block the tears.

"Is it the same as mother? Does he have the deathly illness?" Wilbur asked solemnly, both parents were about to be taken out by a sickness that never seems to go away.

"Yes," Technoblade answered quietly. The Queen lasted a week with it. Their father being an older age might not last as long.

Wilbur nodded, he feared too that one day they will catch the sickness that ingulfed his mother and now his father, it seems.

"*Is there any way to help slow the process?*" Tommy asked, he too was worried for his future.

"We've conducted research," Technoblade started, "But anyone who gets the sickness seems to perish from it no matter what." He sighed, he then turned. He couldnt bare to see his father laying so helplessly on the bed.

Wilbur sighed and put a hand on Tommy's shoulder, "Dont bother him today. Technoblade will take this hit the hardest. He was closest to him." Wilbur took one last glance at his father and walked out.

Tommy was left to his thoughts and began to think.

They've had so long to find a cure for this disease, and nothing seems to work?


Tommy ran out the room desperate for answers. He wasnt some child found in the woods anymore. He was smarter, he was going to figure something out.


"Tubbo!" Tommy shouted into the store. Tubbo started his own business, of what you may ask? Well, chaos.

The store was filled with books, blueprints, engineering parts, scrap, animals, anything.

Anything you needed was in that store. Tubbo collected anything and everything, and it all mostly came from the trash.

Tubbo poked his head out from behind one of his shelves.

"Yes, boss man?" Tubbo called out, he came out from behind the shelf looking very chaotic. Fitting.

"*Do you have anything on the plague that killed the queen?*" He asked, this was a private conversation. As no one knew the king was ill yet.

Technoblade will decide when to tell the people.

"*Probably, why do you ask?*" Tubbo answered.

"*I need to know how to slow or cure the disease.*" Tommy vaguely answered, Tubbo looked bewildered.

"*Who is sick?*" he asked, Tommy shrugged, "*I was just curious of the topic.*" he lied, he didnt want to tell Tubbo that the king was ill. It wasn't his place, as he wasnt really his father.

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