Chapter 2

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Hehe hello

It's been 9 years sense the accident. The accident that killed Tommy's parents.

Tommy had been taken in by a wolf that he named Clementine, though being a dangerous and wild animal. 'Clementine' and Tommy seemed to get along very well.

She'd protect Tommy and gather food while Tommy would get water and create a living space for them if they couldnt get home before dark. Home.

Home is in a tree, a large tree I might add. He's built a large wooden platform on different levels, and you can only access them by climbing the branches of the tree. Clementine liked to stay at the bottom of the tree or she'd sleep on a rock nearby, she doesnt like trees, or heights for that matter.

Sense Tommy hasn't had any human interaction, he doesn't know how to deal with people, so when he one day loses Clementine and never finds her, he suspects the worse. That shes dead just like his parents.

Tommy knew the ins and outs of the woods like the back of his hand, he even found a village on the east side of his house, that's where he got his food when Clementine disappeared two years ago, he had to get food himself.

He had makeshift clothing, no shirt that showed all the bruises and scrapes on his bare arms and chest. He also had sewn together different materials to make "pants". He also used an old blanket as a cloak to cover his face and bear body.

Tommy decided today he would steal bread or some apples by a nearby farm, and sense the farm was easier to steal from, he chose the farm.

Tommy ran right on the edge of the woods, he was still covered by trees but he could see the village and town very clearly.

He ran a little further down when he saw a farm, an apple and carrot farm.

He slowed his running to a quite jog, he had learned how to stock "prey" from Clementine.

He saw a farmer and his children running in the fields, they were playing and gathering crops. He guessed they were gathering food to either sell or to eat for lunch.

His stomach grumbled at the sight of the fresh apples hanging on the nearby trees, he was never so hungry in his life at that moment.

Tommy ate once or twice a week at most. Sometimes he didnt eat for long periods of time, and it showed on his body. He was very malnourished for his age and very underweight, it's not like he could help it though. He wasnt able to buy food and he didnt like stealing either, but what can you do when your an orphan stuck in the woods with no one to care for or to be cared for by.

Tommy climbed over the fence with ease and walked to the closest tree. There was already a basket filled with apples there.

He thought for a moment..

"Should I take the whole basket and have enough for a long time or..take a few and have to come back sooner.."

As said, Tommy didnt like stealing so when he did steal he didnt steal a lot, but he chose to steal the whole basket.

He grabbed the basket and ran for the woods, he heard shouting from behind them, he didnt look back. If his mother tought him anything.. it was to run.

He made it back to his home in the tree and climbed up it. He felt bad for stealing so much but he needed it to survive, as much as he wanted to see his mother and father, he didnt want to die just yet. He was still young, all be it he still thinks he's 6 but he knows that it's still to young.

Tommy's a 15 year old boy living and fending for himself, he just Hope's that one day someone or something will save him from the misery of this place.

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