Chapter 27

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"The Egg has fully surfaced, the vines that were once underground are now fully on the surface. We are ready to advance." Bad said, Schlatt was sitting at a desk drinking booze, like normal.

"Excellent, how was the damage to The Pride Kingdom? I expect great results." Schlatt said with an evil smile.

"Half of the castle was destroyed completely, and most of the army was destroyed, along with soldiers from The Sleepy Kingdom were also killed." Bad said reading off of a piece of paper.

"The Sleepy Kingdom? I wasn't aware that they were there." Schlatt said throwing his bottle to the ground, it shattered into pieces, Bad was startled by the sudden outburst.

"Sir, the information is in the report I sent you. I'd advise you to take a look at it." Bad said calmly, regaining his composure.

Schlatt grunted and looked at the vanilla folder that was on his desk, then he turned back to Bad.

"Doesn't matter." Schlatt waved his hand dismissively, "Are we atleast winning?" He asked.

Bad sighed, "Its all going according to plan Sir."

"Excellent, in that case, sorry for your loss, but hey, atleast Tommy and Ranboo are still under our controll. We'll use them when the time is right." He said, Schlatt had a sour look upon his face, he knew the plan was to loose all of the people that were fighting along them.

They were all pawns in his little game.

"Thank you Sir, and yes, both Tommy and Ranboo are ready. The Egg is excited for its new vessils. The Egg also says, Tubbo is with them, and will most likely be with them when the time comes. What do you suggest about that?" Bad asked, he was sad that his dear friend Skeppy is gone, but he knew, he was only going to live for The Egg.

"My son? He better not be touched, if I hear that he has even one scratch on him. I will personally take care of the person who did it." Schlatt answered, each word was more bitter then the last.

"Of course, Sir." Bad said, "Good, now get out of my face, you have work to do, and get me another beer would ya?" Schlatt said, Bad frowned but nodded, he left as Schlatt told him too.

Now Schlatt wasnt a bad dad, he wanted his son safe from what he was doing, he cared for the boy.

That being said, this is why he's doing everything, he wants the boy to grow up in a world that he can rule, controll, and do whatever he wants in. No boundaries for anything, his creative mind would be free.

Thats why he didn't let The Egg touch the boy, he wanted to make sure Tubbo was unharmed when it was his time to shine.

Schlatt raised the boy to perfection, he showed Tubbo love and discipline. He also made sure to get out of the boys life when he reached his peak, so that when it was time to let go. He would have no hesitation, not just for him, but for anyone he has grown attached to.

Schlatt purposely planted a seed of doubt in Tubbos mind, he's been doing it for years.

His mother left when he was young, well, Schlatt killed her after he didn't need her anymore, but he told Tubbo that his mother didn't want him.

Tubbo is already accustomed to people leaving him, its what he expects.

Ranboo is the same way, as is Tommy. How do you think Eret found out about the two? Schlatt.

Why do you think they were both orphans at a young age? Schlatt.

The hardships they've gone through, the trauma, the nightmares, the pain? Schlatt.

He planned it all, well, atleast he thinks he did.

Little does he know, The Egg infects everything.

Even you.

Word Count: 650

Short chapter again but atleast it has angst, I hope you enjoyed reading :3

Love you all, thank you for all the support <3!!

Have wonderful day/night/afternoon/morning, idk.

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