First day of school

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Laura's POV

It was Monday morning, and I somehow found it hard to even get out of the bed, but I managed to and made my way to the bathroom and had a shower.

That would have waken me up for sure, even though I knew it was not all about being awake, when I got out of the bathroom all became to look more positive.
You'll have more friends, Laura.
That's what my mum kept saying since she told me we would have moved here.

"Hurry up Laura! or you'll have to take the bus! I can't be late for work and you can't be late for school!" I heard her shouting from downstairs, so I took my bag and went to meet her.

Around 8.00am my mum parked on the school parking and she waved me goodbye. 
I can do it, it'll be easy.

As I made my way in the building I noticed that it was actually really nice, I thought it would be worse. I had Maths on the first two periods, ughh! such a great way to start the year. I'm not one of those who doesn't like to study, don't get me wrong, and I wasn't even that bad at Maths, I just really didn't like it.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentaly bumped on a guy, a beautiful guy, I'd say.

He had some breathtaking green eyes, and I just couldn't stop staring at him. "Are you moving?" he said sternly, and I felt someone pulling me to the side saying "Sorry Harry, she's new"


"Hello??" said the girl next to me "Hi!!" I flashed her a smile

"You shouldn't get in front of him like that, you'd not live so long if you do.." she said the last part lower so that I was the only one to hear it


"My name is Amy anyway! And you must be Laura! The new girl, follow me we have the same period"
As i followed her I looked around, there literally were all kind of persons here. We finally got to the class and the teacher introduced me to the class and invited me to take a seat, and the only one free was in the middle of the class next to a guy with some nerdy glasses on, and Amy took her seat behind me.

Two hours seemed to never end, but I managed to get through it, chemistry was next but it was just an hour, and as I got in the class I noticed the same guy that was next to me on Maths, but this time there was a guy next to him and I took a seat at the back of the class.

The lesson was almost over when the teacher raised her voice, exausthed "Liam James Payne! would you please keep quiet? In 20 minutes you'll be at lunch and you'll be able to scream how much you want, but I'm trying to teach here! " and the boy instantly became quiet stifling a laugh looking at his friend next to him who was laughing too.

Aren't people like him supposed to pay attention?!

I turn my head back to the teacher and someone started to throw paper planes at me, I catch one and it says:

Hey cutie, are you free this evening?
Liam xx

I turned my head at him and gave him a puzzled look, he just smiled back at me. I just shrugged it off, and waited till the lesson was over.

I was walking to the cafeteria and I've been pulled, I turn my head to see Liam, damn, the guy's persistant!
"Hey, you must be Laura" he says, his voice sounding so sweet
"Hi, yeah It's me" I said flashing him a smile

"You didn't answer me"


"The paper plane?"

"ohh yes, I mean, I'm pretty busy lately, I've just moved here so we have a lot to do till we're properly settled"

"ohh, okay. I understand if you don't want to, I mean I'm not so cool, so yeah"

He's cute after all, why not giving him a chanche?

"We can hang out tomorrow after school if it's okay"

"uhm, perfect" he said blushing, in such a cute way may I add

"Heyy Laura! I finally found you! oh hi Liam!" she cheered us before dragging me away without letting me say anything else.

Harry's POV

I was making my way to Louis and suddenly a girl bumped on me, so damn clumsy. I wish people would look forward as they walk instead of having their heads on the clouds.
She stared at me for a while almost in trance "Are you moving?" I told her through gritted teeths, luckyly a girl pulled her aside, it's not a good moment to fight, especially with a girl.

"Harry!! where have you been?!"

I don't know what's wrong with him sometimes, I've just seen him testerday, it's not like I've been away for ages.

" home?!" I gave him a look but he kept on talking as if it's nothing, sometime he just does that, he starts rambling.. but he's my bestfriend after all, and he's probably the only one who knows the real me, not the Harry Styles that everyone made up, which is good, we've got eachothers' back.

"Harry? you're not listening"

"uh? yeah I'm listening you"

"no you we're not, I bet that girl bewitched you, she's cute" he says with a smirk

"what?! no way I don't even know her!"

"Her name is Laura anyway, just in case you're interested.."


"I knew it" Louis mumbled to himself trying to hide a smirk, andI punched him

The day went on, more boring than usual, so I decided to go home and sleep to catch up on my sleep since Louis waking me up so early lately.

Laura's POV

"I saw the way you looked at him, he stared right into your soul didn't he?"

I could have not found better words to describe it.

"Actually I just bumped on him, it was nothing.. but what's with the danger around him you where telling me about this morning?" I couldn't hide it, mysterious things fascinated me.

"we.. well we can't talk here about it, someone might hear and report it to him, then we'd both be in serious trouble"

"uhm..okay! then you're coming over after school, so we can talk about it"

sorry if this is short, I promise the next ones will be longer than that :)
Which was your favourite part so far? Please make sure you vote if you're reading, and comments would be appreciated, so that I know whether to go on or stop writing this story already :) xx

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