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The T.V. was on the local news channel. The reporter, a young woman in a thick coat to combat the frigid Gotham winter was giving a live report outside of City Hall. Three new K-9 police officers were being handed their badges and presented to the city. Their names were Echo, Sage, and Dot. They were special because they were part of the canine police unit that had been lost two years ago due to criminal sabotage. Now, in a triumphant story that the media was eating up, the three dogs who'd "found their way home" were being honored as heroes. They had gone through rehabilitation and training with flying colors. 

"Echo is such an intelligent and spirited animal. The first day I met her at the academy, I knew we were meant to work together, and she knew it, too." Officer Mike, her handler, said into the microphone between puffs of smoky breath. 

The camera cut to an image of Echo sniffing the cameras at his feet. 

"Sage is a pretty goofy guy." Officer Hailey nodded with a smile. "But, he knows when it's time for business and when it's time to party. We're kind of alike in that way." She giggled. Meanwhile, Sage was snapping at the snow falling from the sky. 

"Dot is so sensitive, and so intuitive. She's going to do great things for this department and this city. Just look at her. It's not only something you see, it's something you feel when you look at her." Officer Taylor commented. The camera cut to the dark shepherd with a prominent spot of white fur on her forehead. 

The report went on to include a montage of the dogs in training, as well as a "class picture" that showed them as pups at the Academy they'd graduated from in Belgium. I caught an image of Ace in it and grabbed Dick while pointing at the screen. Next was a touching speech from Commissioner Gordon. 

Ace watched the TV screen, too and I wondered how much he understood of the images. Did he recognize his old classmates? 

The TV shut off and we groaned. 

"Come on! That was such a sweet story." Dick turned to the culprit. 

Alfred put the remote. "My apologies, but Master Wayne is requesting your presence in the great room. He'd also like to remind you that dinner will be at the Drake residence tonight." 

We followed Alfred out of the den, into the great room, where a huge tree had been erected and decorated with gold and red themes. Lights flashed up and down it in tune to soft piano accompaniment. Bruce stood in front of the tree wearing a Santa hat over his head. 

"Merry Christmas." He smiled. 

"What is this?" I shouted as I scanned the mountain of presents behind him. They hadn't been there last night. 

"Alfred, take a seat and take the day off." Bruce said for the third time that day. 

Alfred conceded with a smile and lowered himself onto a white linen sofa.  

"Is all this for us?" Dick grinned. 

"Not yet. Ace goes first." Bruce sat on the floor and patted on a box wrapped in metallic red paper. "Come here, Ace. What is it? Yes, open it. Good boy!"

Ace gnawed and pawed at the package, managing to get the ribbon and most of the wrapping paper off all by himself. 

I leaned toward my brother. "To think he wanted to kill me when I brought Ace home. Now it looks like he loves him more than me."

Dick shrugged. "Well, Ace does listen to him and never talks back. I'd love him more, too." 

He laughed when I elbowed him. 

The gift for Ace was a rope toy for playing tug-of-war. Ace normally was not the kind of dog to ever respond to toys, and he didn't care much for playing. That is unless Bruce was the one offering the toy and wanting to play, then Ace was like a clumsy pup. The two of moved up and down the great room pulling the thick rope toy between them. Ace growled and shook violently, his titanium fangs shredded the toy in no time.

Most of the gifts under the tree were for the servants of the household and their families. Although, I was gifted a beautiful polished easel and acrylic paint set from my father. I already had in mind what I wanted to paint onto the canvas and requested that everything be set up in the conservatory. When I had the time, the way the sunlight pooled into the windows made the lighting perfect to work on the art. 

We dressed for dinner at the Drake manor and piled into Dick Grayson's car. The Kane family was also invited. I'm apparently related to them due to my maternal grandmother, but we never saw much of them. 

After we'd eaten the main entrees and dessert was passed around, the party was moved to the main sitting room where the Drakes had placed their trees and games were brought out. I stood by the tree, admiring its decoration. Bruce's rounded reflection appeared on a gold ball and I turned to face him. 

He put a hand in his pocket and stood next to me in silence for a moment. I gave him time to formulate his words and sipped the sparkling cider from the crystal flute they'd given me to drink from. 

"It was a good thing you did. Getting those dogs back to the GCPD." 

I lowered my gaze, "It was the least I could do. I feel like the whole thing was a shit show." 

"It was." He nodded. "It always is and always will be. It's the nature of our work." He put a hand on my shoulder and prompted me to look at him. "Never forget that we're a family, though. We're in this together." 

I smiled. "I promise." 

"Let's play Taboo!" Tim announced, pulling the box from the shelf. "Krystal, be on my team?" 

"Why don't we do the Drake's versus the Wayne's?" 

"I like it!" Mr. Drake rolled himself next to Tim and clasped his hands together. 

We played for hours, long after the sun went down. Nobody donned the cowl or cape for the night. Although crime and injustice never stop, we allowed ourselves the day to ignore it. I remembered the holidays I'd spent alone, hungry and angry at the world. It felt like another lifetime, I almost didn't recognize that version of myself, and I was glad for that. 

The past is only a part of me, but it is not who I am. I will not let it hurt or define me anymore.  

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