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(Before he visits Seren)

"PD bang is really stressed," Hoseok says, as he walks into the practice room.

"How are TXT holding it? Did you talk Seojun?" Jimin asks Namjoon.

Namjoon nods, "He confessed that the girl is his girlfriend."

The boys sigh, sustaining the hush. Right after, they knew that they didn't get Grammys, a scandal of their junior artist broke out.

"Don't worry, PD bang made sure that no articles get disseminated. The scandal diminished even before it could set out like wildfire," Namjoon ensures them.

"Isn't it about time that you too admit something to us?" Taehyung marks, directing a grim tone towards him.

Namjoon frowns in confusion, "Like what?"

"Namjoon, you truly have nothing to say?" Jin asks him, and the culmination sinks in Namjoon.

The five pair of eyes expectedly stares at him, Yoongi dwells in stillness as he was aware of everything.

Jin sighs when Namjoon doesn't speak a word, "You know, we don't sleep around with Army."

Namjoon's eyes widen, "I am not sleeping with her. What do you all take me for?"

"Then hyung, what's this all about?" Jimin raises the query.

"She is a fangirl."

"Just a fangirl?"

"A special one."

The still room crams with the thick cloak of tension.

"What are you doing? You know about the recent scandal of another group. That group fell from the spotlight and turn into the specks of dust," Jin argues.

Namjoon scrapes his face, "I know. I am being careful, it won't happen to us."

"Hyung," Jungkook begins, "We can't say that it won't happen to us. We can't take the risk, we don't have that privilege."

Namjoon screws his eyes shut, knowing that each word the younger said is real.

Reality is certainly harsh.

He has been living a beautiful dream, he has been exploring the stars of Seren's eyes, but now the dream is near to its end.

He has to wake up.

"So," Yoongi, who was reserved this all time, decides to walk in the conversation, "You guys are saying he should give up that girl, for us."

Their silence was the answer. Namjoon gulps the acrimony in this throat, but he can't be furious.

For a while, he did forget that he is not just Namjoon, he has an identity to maintain.

RM, the leader of the most victorious band in South Korea.

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