The Party

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Third person POV:

"Dream, hurry up. Sapnap's waiting for us to show up. We were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago!" George yelled across Dream's dirty room. One of the most popular people in their school threw a party and invited Dream. He only wanted George to come as a plus-one because he saw this as an opportunity to spend time with his best friend. Dream was on the football team which also made him pretty popular. George became popular simply by being Dream's closest friend. (damn cliche, sorry. I didn't how else to explain it.)

"Yeah okay. I'm almost done, calm the fuck down." Dream hollered back as he came walking out of the bathroom that connected to his bedroom, slipping a hoodie over his white t-shirt.

Dream grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and headed for the front door, George not far behind him. The entire car ride there was full of only laughs and wheezes.

Time skip (They've been at the party for about an hour now.)

"Dream, can we please go home now. I believe we've been here long enough." George really didn't like parties, especially with other teenagers. There were always way too many drunk morons and desperate idiots breathing in 'snow' like there was no fucking tomorrow. One of the things he hated more than dumb-ass alcoholics and sketchy drug addicts though was all the noise. Parties were always so loud and crowded which is the last environment George wanted to be in.

"Oh come on now, Gogy. Just a little longer, please?" Dream begged. "Fine but only if-" "Dream, George! Come play truth or dare with us." George was cut off by none other than Sapnap. Sapnap was also on the football team and also happened to be part of their little three-way friendship. He had been with them the whole time but was mainly just talking to his other friends. Of course he leaned over and told the occasional joke every so often but that was just how he was.

"Oh my god, it's been so long since I've played truth or dare." Dream seemed excited but George only walked over with him because he didn't want to be separated from his best friends. After a few rounds of truths and dares went around it was Sapnap's turn to ask. He pointed to Dream and asked "Dream, truth or dare?" The room was silent besides the blaring music as Dream thought. After a short while, he gave an answer, "Dare." A giggle was heard from Sapnap as he responded with "Kiss George. 10 seconds and that's it."

George laughed slightly at his words. He had no issue with it because it was all harmless, right? Dream gave a short chuckle before gazing over at George and quickly connecting their lips. George of course kissed back and almost automatically wrapped his arms around Dream's neck, deepening the kiss.

"1! Okay, you guys are good now." Sapnap turned to his friend and giggled slightly. Everyone one else turned and talked to someone as they waited for Dream to decide who he wanted to choose.

Dream and George had separated and now sat staring at each other in the same position they were in when they kissed. George was sat confused more than anything though. It just felt so right for some reason and he wasn't sure why.

This was his best friend, surely it didn't mean anything, right? It was just a harmless kiss for a dare, right? For fuck's sake, why did he feel like this? He didn't care though, all he knew was that he liked it and wanted to do it again. That didn't mean anything though, it could easily just been an urge but he didn't think so. He felt like he could do it over and over again and never get enough of it. He knew he didn't like Dream though because he was physically incapable of feeling anything serious for his best friend.

Those were Dream's exact thoughts as well. He couldn't get over it and he honestly didn't really want to. He was fine with that though. He had somehow already accepted that this now suddenly became something he needed in his life. None of that bothered him though because that didn't mean he had feelings for George, it just meant he was a good kisser. This was all completely platonic and it wasn't going to change his friendship or his relationship. This would be something easily explainable if his girlfriend asked and he was sure she would understand.

He didn't find it necessary that she had to know about it all unless she of course asked. He knew he had to do something though.

They both smiled softly before saying together, "I think I'm addicted to your kisses."

808 Words

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