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George's POV:

It had been about a week since the party. Dream and I had since talked about what this meant for us. We agreed that there was nothing between us but kisses to feed our addictions.

Today was Monday and it's our first day back at school because we had been on spring break for a week. Dream and I have most of our classes together so that means I get to see him more and of course that means I get to kiss him more. Sapnap already knows that this is a thing because he's seen it happen so we had to explain the whole thing to him.

The worst part is that Dream's girlfriend doesn't know though so he's tried his best to hide it from her which doesn't bother me. Why would it? It's not like the kisses mean anything. Dream isn't gay and neither am I, we both like girls and that's just a fact.

That feeling I got when I kissed him never went away though. Every time we kiss its like theres nothing more I need in my life. I only need Dream and I'll be okay. That's just how a best friend is supposed to make you feel though, they're supposed to make you happy. That's all the feeling is, I'm just happy when I'm with him because he's my best friend.

These were all my thoughts while getting ready and driving to school. I always meet Dream at the front of the school in the morning and we walk to first period together. He is of course there when I arrive, sitting on a bench patiently and playing on his phone. He looks up when he hears me coming and stands.

"Hello Gogy~"

The way he says certain things makes my heart flutter. I smile as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and inch closer to his face.

"I missed you." He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I missed you too." I find it funny because he saw me yesterday. I smile against his lips as we slip into a kiss like we've done it a million times before. It already feels like we have to be completely honest. After we disconnect, Dream holds his hand out for me to take and we walk inside the school and towards our first period.

Time skip to lunch time.

I see Dream waving for me to come over as I enter the lunch room so I of course walk over and sit down next to him. His complete whore of a girlfriend is sitting next to him and she winks at me as I sit down. I just slip her off.

"Dreamy, your little minion just flipped me off! I didn't even do anything to him!" Was this little hussy really whining to him about me while I'm sitting right here?

"Nobody wants to hear your annoyingly squeaky voice, Camryn. You're giving me a god damn headache already and you've only just started talking." I retort to her in a monotone voice. I really couldn't care less about what I say to her because I knew Dream wasn't going to do shit to me. He tried his best to stay out of it because he knew we didn't like each other. I don't understand why he would stay with her if his best friend didn't like her though.

Dream just puts his hands up in a defensive manor and keeps eating his food and scrolling on Twitter. He reaches out and holds his hand out under the table which I happily take. I'm hoping I shut Cameryn up because if I didn't I'm gonna kill-

"Dreamy~ are you just gonna let him talk to me like that? He just called me annoying and you didn't bat and eye! Do you even love me?" -god fucking damn it there she is with the same damn thing she says every time. 'Do you even love me?' I roll my eyes so hard at that.

"Huh? Of course I love you?" Hearing him say that makes me slightly irritated and I don't know why. I think it's the fact that I know she's not good for him.

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