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(Why tf is Wednesday spelled like that, smh.)

George's POV:

I woke up really warm and I'm not really sure why. I haven't opened my eyes yet because I'm not sure how prepared I am to see where I'm at. Deep breaths. I open my eyes...oh. I'm in Dream's room, false alarm haha. I dead ass thought I got myself into trouble for a bit but my annoyingly adorable best friend must have taken me back to his house. I looked over at the clock and the time read '8:30 am'. We have to be at school by 10 so I had time.

I go to stand up so I can brush my teeth but I can't. That's when it hits me...oh my god, we're cuddling. I'm sitting here with Dream's arms around my waist with our legs tangled together. I can already feel my face heating up.

Normally I wouldn't be this flustered but this felt different. This felt more, how do I say it...loving? It's like oddly romantic and I'm not sure what to do because I love it, I'm stuck. I don't want to wake him up because I don't want it to end but I know I have to.

I sigh. "Dream, wake up you lazy little parasite." My voice is slightly lower than it usually is but not by much.

He still didn't move so I speak again, "Dreamy~" when I get no response, I flick his nose and say, " Are you in a coma? My god, Dream." This gets a reaction.

"Good morning, sweetheart~" Sweetheart? If I wasn't blushing before, I definitely am now. His voice is so raspy and it's honestly hot, I almost whimpered just from that sentence but I stopped myself before I made a single noise. I didn't know what else to do but to look up and kiss him so that's exactly what Im gonna do. It's sweet and slow, we're just enjoying the moment. When we pull apart, Dream keeps one hand on my face and one on my waist. The one on my face is rubbing circles on my cheek with his thumb and the one on my waist is just running up and down my body. Our foreheads are touching and his eyes are still closed, I could die in this moment right here.

He just looks so perfect right now, I never want to separate from his warmth. I know we have to get up though, if we don't start getting ready soon, we're going to be late for school.

Right before I was about to speak, I get interrupted by Dream's silky and low voice, "Stop stressing about getting up, darling. Give it a minute, I promise I won't let you be late." I'm about to pass out on the spot after hearing that.

After about 5-10 minutes he kisses my nose and releases me from his grasp, allowing me to stand up. I have to admit, I wish he hadn't.


I'm walking to lunch by myself right now, I'm hoping at least Camryn is here. George had some dumb club meeting he had to attend so I'm left all alone for lunch. As soon as I walk into the lunchroom, Camryn's fiery red hair catches my eye immediately so I walk over to her. She gives me an innocent smile and kisses my cheek.

"Do you want to come eat outside with me, Dreamy?" Her voice really is annoying but I have to deal with it because she's my girlfriend. I agree and we walk outside.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while until she spoke up, "So baby, you have 2 choices here and you have to make a decision now or I choose for you." I was confused until she spoke up again, "You can either A, stop seeing George and keep me as your girlfriend or B, keep George and lose me. The choice is yours, babe."

I'm sat here in pure shock, "Why would you want me to get rid of George?" I just don't understand, she knows it would make me miserable to leave him so why is she asking me this? "Because he's mean and you guys act like you're dating, it's disgusting and it makes me want to vomit. You're both boys, Dream." She didn't just say that oh my god, what the hell? I want to get rid of her but something is telling me a better time is gonna come, plus I have a plan.

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