Fucking Shit (Part Two)

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Disclaimer: I do no town anything except myOc.

Warnings: Cursing and sarcasm involved.

A/N: Part two is out! Yay!
Arisu POV

Well then. I suppose it is time that Bianchi came along. Great.

Poison cooking at its best.

Let's just hope she doesn't poison us or anything. I really don't want to die early even though I died defore.

Plus, you have yet to fulfil your role.

Goddammit don't remind me. Please.

Hai hai. Whatever you say, Miss protector.

I didn't want to be one in the first place. Giotto can go screw himself for dragging me into this mess.

Giotto can only screw his own wife, Alice. That's his job.

Oh my god! Ew! Gross! What the hell is wrong with you!

You started it!

Yeah, but you don't have to go that far! Ugh. My pure mind and ears are now contaminated!

HAH! I'm you! So it means that you're not innocent, bitch!

You just call yourself a bitch, Tsuki.

So what? I'm proud to be one!

I could practically feel her puffing out her chest and holding her head high.

Having arguments with your own inner voice is not fun. Not fucking fun at all.

Says the cat.

Says the inner voice.

Says the zombie.

Says the bitch.

You're technically one too.

I sighed. Not fucking fun at all.


It's officially a staredown with Bianchi.

I stare at her, she stare at me.

"Bianchi, this is Arisu but her current name is Shiro. Shiro, this is Bianchi. She's famous for her poison cooking." Reborn explained.

'Pleasure to meet you Bianchi, I am a cat.'

Bianchi raised an eyebrow. "Reborn... Why are you introducing me to a cat?"

"She is no ordinary cat, apparently she can see the future."

'Correction, a future.'

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