He's Not Proud

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Decided to get angsty on you

Cg: Wilbur, Techno
Little: Tommy (2 at the beginning then babyspace)
Other: Phil

Tommy ran home, excited to show dad his test scores. He had been working really hard and managed to get a 95%! It was his best score!

He threw the door open and ran to the kitchen. However when he got there, he faltered.

Tommy's POV:

"Tommy aren't your proud of Wilbur! He got a 100% on his test!" Dad praised.

"That's great Wilbur!" I congratulated, sliding my test into my bag.

The rest of the day, we celebrated Wilbur. I didn't show or tell anyone my test results.

The next test came and i tried extra extra hard. And i got a 100%! Once again i bolted home. I raced to find Dad only to see...him congratulating Techno already. My heart dropped.

"Tommy Techno has been accepted into an amazing fighting school!" He praised.

The rest of the day, we celebrated Techno.

It was the repeat of that every time. Now i was only accepting 100%. Any lower and it was a fail.

I walked into the house quietly, gripping a 99% test in my hand. I crept upstairs into my bedroom where i proceeded to burn it.

Nothing was going right anymore. I stayed in my bedroom and avoided everyone like the plague. I only went downstairs at night to eat. And though it was mostly involuntary, i kept regressing.

And that frustrated me the most. Instead of studying for the next test i was playing with teddies and colouring.

That day was the same as many others. I stayed in my room. I burned some more tests.

But when i heard more celebrating downstairs, i broke. I fell on the floor and silently cried. I could feel everything getting bigger, but i was too sad to care.

Wilbur's POV:

Dad was congratulating me for doing an actual performance. That's when i noticed something was wrong. But i shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing.

I went upstairs to put my guitar away. On the way back, i stopped outside of Tommy's door. We never really see him anymore.

That's when i heard crying. I pressed my ear against the door. It was definitely coming from inside his room.

I attempted to open the door, but it was locked. I shook it a few times but it was to no avail.

"Tommy can you let me in? I'm not mad i just want to check up on you," i asked.

I heard a whine on the otherside. Then a shout of 'no!'. But it was a higher voice than normal Tommy.

This worried me. I ran to Techno's room.

"Wilbur i'm busy here," he told me.

"Tech i need you to kick down Tommy's door," i told him.

"What?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"I want to check on Tommy but his door is locked," i explained.

"Wil leave him alone. If he wanted to see you he wouldn't lock the door," he responded.

"Something is wrong! Please Techno," i told him.

"Fine," he complied.

We both walked over. Techno halted and his eyes widened slightly when he heard crying. He rammed himself against his door. After a few tries, it opened.

The state of the room shocked me.

There were tests pinned onto a wall infront of a desk. The desk was full of textbooks, most being open. There were sheets of paper everywhere. In the corner was a pile of ash and a lighter was on the drawer next to it. There were plates in the corner and rubbish.

What surprised him the most was the pile of baby-stuff in the corner. There were teddies, dummies, sippy cups, colouring books.

And on the floor was Tommy. He hadn't noticed them come in. He was still crying. I walked over to him and put him on my lap. He froze when i touched him, finally realising that i was there.

"W-wilbur. What a-are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh Toms, your a mess. Why haven't you been taking care of yourself?" I asked.

Nobody's POV:

"Oh Toms, your a mess. Why haven't you been taking care of yourself?" Wilbur asked.

Tommy was already trying to fight off getting any smaller, but the nickname didn't help. He slipped smaller, which only frustrated him more.

"I needs to get good on tes so fil be proud," he explained.

"Tommy, dad would be proud of you no matter what. And you have been doing great on your tests! Look at those scores!" He replied, trying to cheer him up.

However it just seemed to do the complete opposite. He let out anither frustrated whine and his eyes began to water again. Wilbur panicked and looked over at Techno. He sighed and walked over to Tommy.

"Tommy, why do you think dad isn't proud," he asked.

"Fil always poud of yous s-so i wok hard an maybe he be poud off me. Bu' efry time i try to, he always congar- cogna- crongra-"

"Congratulating?" Wilbur helped.

"Yeah! He always...fing you says...you! An i don wan be mean so i don say nofing," he explained, voice wavering a bit at the end.

Oh Toms. You wouldn't have been mean if you said something," wilbur reassured.


"No! Now are you ok now? Your not acting very much like Tommy," he responded.

"I-I small," he admitted.

Wilbur looked over at Techno questioningly. He thought about it for a moment before it clicked. The baby toys, slurring, small - he was a regressor.

"Toms bud, you don't have to fight off your regressing. It's not very healthy. Don't worry me and Wilby will be here to look after you," he said softly.

Tommy looked over at him and nodded. He stopped trying to fight the warm, fuzzy feeling. Instead letting it take over.

"How old are you Berry?" He asked.

Instead of responding, he simply grabbed Techno's hand and began to play with it.

"Tech what's happening?" Wilbur asked.

"Tommy regresses. It where he goes into a child-like mindset. Normally to avoid stress or trauma. It can be voluntary, however it could also be involuntary. It looks like this time its involuntary," he explained.

"Oh. That makes sense. So how old do you think he is right now?" He asked.

"I think he's in babyspace. So he's pretty much a baby right now," he told him.

Wilbur nodded then passed Tommy to Techno. The little didn't care. Instead he began to babble at Techno, still fiddling with the olders hand

Ok so this has gotten quite long and there's still more. So i think i'm just going to make a part two to this!

Age Regression TommyInnit Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now