chapter 2: Minsoo's bad luck

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(Lovelies!! I dunno why but I kinda prefer to have the top( aka Minjoo) beIN a softie even though they look cold on the outside, y'know what I mean.. especially when they wear a suit 😩😩)


During the evenings

Minsoo's pov
"I'm soo tired doing all of the work. I wanna sleep", I complained to my new friends that I made earlier from the introduction.


"So here is our new employee for this year thank goodness that our ceo didn't do any problem or else we gotta find a new one ", said assistant Kang jokingly while patting my shoulder.

I bow down and introduce myself. Smiling to everyone who are in the room right now.

'Eughhh so shiny', everyone's thought.

"I hope that we could all work together and made some nice memories", I said politely adding some cuteness.

"Aweeee how could we not do that with that cute face of yours of course we're gonna make some wonderful memories in the future!!", said Kim Jehyi the female senior while the male senior only smile. His name is Kim Wongbin. He is a nice guy.

While the others are males. The green hair dude is Kim yoosung and the other one is Choi Saeyoung. They are also friendly and a little be comfy around me.. hmmmm let me rephrase that sentence.. TOO COMFY WITH ME..

~End of flashback~

Suddenly my head was being bonk by none other than Saeyoung."Oi what was that for?!?!", I said angrily while my face was plastered with a frown.

"The ceo is here Min", he said quietly and after that continue doing his work.Who is the ceo that made them quite for all of a sudden.

As I look to where the ceo is at..I recognize that face.. Isn't that the mister that I bump earlier?!?! So it was the Ceo of this company.

I remember that I tease him alot. I let out a nervous laugh and slowly facing to my desk to continue my unfinish work.

"So here is our new worker huh..", his voice with a hint of tease. Okay that hurt my pride for no reason. "Yeah I amm Ceo Park", I smile. I just wanna hit that motherf*cking face so badly. " Do you two know each other??", ask assistant Kang.

"Yes we have met earlier when I was on the way to work", he cut me off.

Okay I had a strong reason to hate him.
"OOOO AMAZING!!", said Yoosung happily.
I smile through the pain of being tease.

"Excuse me I need to go to the toilet please", I stand up from my chair and hurriedly go to the washroom to wash my flushed face.
"Ughhhh I know it's my fault but don't just embarrassed around my seniors and my the two idiots", I said angrily to the mirror.Damn yeah I was furious. Eventhough he is hot but that attitude is a no-no.well..same case with mine I think.Oh to be this BEAUTIFUL

"Pfftt-", did someone just did that to me..?!? And the voice is similar to him too."Come out Ceo Park", I said sternly.

He entered the washroom with a smile plastered on his face, not a genuine one but it was sign that he was mocking me. Hell nah.. he didn't just did that..??!

"Ceo Park-",
"Just call me Haesoo please", he said calmly.
I- ..... Did he just cut me off again??!?

"Haesoo okay I'm sorry that I teased you earlier but this is too far. You are crossing the line", I said while looking straight into his eyes.

"Minsoo-sshi..", he called slowly caressing my cheeks.His face getting closer with every move he made and we almost kiss to the lips but it was been disturb by the other employees leaving the both of us to pull apart, feeling the heat rose to the cheeks.

Another day to touch grass peeps 😩😩~~

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