Chapter 5

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Remember the trigger warning at the beginning? Most are mentioned in this chapter. Proceed with caution.

The next day, Yibo didn't get to see Zhan till he slept. Zhan came in late and left early the next day. In the blink of an eye, the week was over and Yibo had to leave. Zhan left him what he owed and some more money before leaving. Yibo's first instinct was to walk away, leaving the money behind. Then he got a text from the loan sharks saying they were awaiting payment for the month which was supposed to be done the previous day. Holed up in this little paradise, Yibo had almost forgotten the reality of the outside world. He texted back that the money was ready, picked up the money and left.

He got to the bar as usual and went about his job. He regretted how spiteful his words had been to Zhan and wanted to apologise but seeing that Zhan came in late, it was obvious Zhan was avoiding him. Yibo was thankful he was leaving as he didn't want to make Xiao Zhan uncomfortable in his own home, resorting to returning late and leaving early just because he was too polite to ask Yibo to leave.

Yibo had the urge to call. What was he going to tell him? 'Zhan ge, come book me for tonight, no for the next 3 years'? or 'Zhan ge, I think I'm ready to be your boyfriend'? Yibo felt he no longer had that privilege, he was given several chances but he was too stubborn to even think about it a second time. He was too impulsive, he blamed himself.

Whenever the door swung open, Yibo would look towards the door, as if he was expecting someone but the person he wanted never came in. A few people tried to get him to bed that night but he was absent minded and refused them all. The manager called him to the side to have a chat.

"Yibo, I understand you may have experienced something this past week, something you wish was permanent have to snap out of it. The week is over, you have to...see others. Remember why you're here in the first place. Remember what happened in the past. Haven't you learned anything from it? Why are you rejecting everyone? Do you need to take the rest of the day off to organize your thoughts? If you do, go ahead but remember, by the time you come in tomorrow, I want you in your full capacity".

"I don't need time off. I'm sorry I was absent minded. I'm ready to work now". Yibo had witnessed another waiter go through something similar and by the time he returned 2 days later, his job was no longer waiting for him. The manager had been kind to him and Yibo wasn't one to take advantage of someone else's kindness.

By the time he returned, the manager told him someone was already waiting for him inside. He was happy he didn't take that 'take the day off' bait. He went right inside and met that man, the same one that Zhan pulled him away from the other day.

Yibo laughed at himself internally. Was the world playing jokes on him? He was ready to be with anyone, literally anyone else but this person. The man seemed to notice his hesitation and spoke. "Ah, your boyfriend isn't here today, let's have fun. I paid heavily for you tonight, I hope I wouldn't regret it".

Yibo was disgusted. His body wanted none other than Xiao Zhan but...Zhan was just a client. He had to remind himself of this several times. He took a step towards the man and asked, "What would you like me to do?"

The man smiled and patted the bed next to him. Yibo thought of Xiao Zhan, the day he was here, they had ended up not using the bed at all. He sat next to the man who put a hand across Yibo's waist and pulled him closer. As his hand touched Yibo, he went stiff. He tried to kiss Yibo and Yibo refused to give him entrance to his mouth. The man noticed and figured Yibo may not be cooperative.

He got up from the bed, took off his clothes and stood in front of Yibo. "Play with it", he ordered. Yibo reluctantly took his penis in his hands and started to stroke it without any zeal. He was unwilling to go any further. Feeling that was not enough, the man shoved it right into Yibo's mouth. Yibo could feel his heart aching. He wanted to run away, far away from this place. He didn't know when tears started dropping from his eyes. After having done this with Zhan several times that week and it certainly felt...different doing it with others.

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