chapter two: if i stay.....

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I ran back inside the bar place in my uniform from school.
when i walk in all of my heroes look up. i spot the little girl who saved me and ran up to her with tears in my eyes as i hugged her and she hugged me back. "sister or not, we stay together......" i say as she finishes my sentence "only until death do sisters part,"Anna says, "but we must never part by heart" we both finish together. shes crying now two. "I missed you Ami, I really did." you both let go of each other and i straighten myself out. " glad to be back sis." i say with a smile. I glance around the room to look at who saved me, when i spot a familiar red haired man staring at me with an irritated look on his face. my eyes slowly widen as i come to reconize him. everyone stare with there mouths wide open as i run up to him and wrap my arm around him in a long loving kiss.

when she stares at me a look of realization hits her. finally she reconizes me I mean it hasnt been that long..... but i was cut out of my thoughts when she kissed me. i automatically kiss back. we pull back after what seemed like forever for some much needed air. everyone looks at me with bewilderd eyes, like i was just kissing a stranger. that reminds me...."everyone, may i introduce you to Ami Anabari. she's my ex-girlfreind." i mumble the last part hoping no one heard, but of course izumo heard and yelled out "Your ex !!!!!!??????" making everyone roll around laughing.

Izumo who knew the heartless king could score one that hot of a chick?

everyone stopped all of a suddend when they hear glass shattering.  when they looked up, they saw Izumo pinned against the wall by ..... butter knives???........the shocked expression on his face turnes to hatred as he stares down Ami. but she doesnt even flinch from under his gaze. she walks up to him and glares up at him. "what did you just call me?" she said, but izumo sends a fireball over ro her direction. when the smoke clears i glare daggers at him for trying to hurt my Angel.

~Ami's pov~
I see him radiate with fire and shoot a number of fireballs at me. I just stand there watching as the smoke cleard the room I see miko-kun standing infront of me, burn marks all over his body. I see him glare at Izu-sama before he passes out. I scream," Miko-kun why would you do something like that! you baka!" he looks up slightly at you and chuckles. " sorry Angel, It was an out-of-habit action." my eyes soften as i look at him and say "I-It's okay, miko-kun. you still dont know that the elements wont affect me yet."

I hear everyone scream what in my ear, as i realize everyone is leaning over my shoulder ( besides izu-sama and one in a beanie). when i realize this i jump up and run, involentaringly turning into a wolf pup. i run into the lap of the one in a beanie. he blushes and slightly pets my fur, almost like he is scared of me, and i purr into his hand. he seems to get more comfortable after petting me for a while. then I hear someone let out a noise like someone was clearing their throught. i look up to see an irritated mikoto looking at me.

i whimper as he pulls me aaway from the beanie boy, upset that he had to stop petting me. mikoto walks upstairs with me in his arms, obviously jealous that I had run to a different man besides him. when we get to his room, I get thrown on the bed and I transform into my human form again when i feel someone leaning over me. mikoto looks down at me as he roughly pulls my chin up to make me look up at him.

~miko-kun's pov~ ^__^

I peer over her when she transforms back to her normal form. she trys to avoid my gaze by looking down. that means she known what she did wrong.  i lift her chin up to look at me. i roughly kiss her, to show her that she is mine. she whimpers at the fact that she couldn't breath. i realese her. "stay away from yata. I dont want you to get caught up in his situation with fushimi." she has an adorable look on her face when she says "what situation with fumi-san? what did fumi-san do?" I sweatdrop when she said that. I forgot jow uhhhhh.... dense she was.

~Ami's pov~

miko-kun told me how fumi-san betrayed the red clan for the blue. how he would never come back to me."sooooo... you KNEW about me and fushimi. why didnt you tell everyone else that that was why i left the clan? when I ran away with fushimi. you lied... to your clan. why would you do such a selfish thi-" "It wasnt selfish," je cut you off " I wanted to protect you. I know you know I still love you.... and i know you still love me two. please just give me another chance at us. I dont want to act heartless around you anymore. I want to show that I love you. I want to show off my feelings for you. just let me show you that im not the same as i was when i was in high school. I wont loose to fushimi. i will have you as my reward, one way.... " he semmes to be leaning closer to my face, slowly..." or another." he whispers the last part as he leans in and kiss me. I stand their, shocked, then i slowly start to kiss back. oh how i missed his kisses, soft, sweet, but dominate.

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