Chapter 1- In the tent

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Hey, this is my first story that ive wrote and published. Feedback would be much appreciated as well as any suggestions :). This story starts at camp and what happened in the tent. I hope you enjoy the story!



"Jude?" asked Connor from his side of the tent. "Are you okay? are you cold?"

"Maybe, just a bit i guess. Ill be okay though," Jude untruthly answered. In all honestly he was freezing his pants off but he didnt want to tell Connor that.

Within seconds Connor had stood up and proceeded to move his sleeping bag closer to that of his smaller friend. His mind hadnt quite processed exactly what he was doing but he wasnt going to leave Jude to be effected by the cold if he could help.

"What are you doing?" Jude questioned after sitting up to see what Connor was doing. 

"You are cold, so im moving over and we can share body heat so we can keep warm," was the reply he received.

"Im not that co-" 


"cold though" Jude said before both of the boys laughed at the irony. "Okay maybe I am a bit"

Half asleep Connor put down his sleeping bag right next to jude and proceeded to lie back down. He soon realised that this wasnt going to work as much as he had planned it to due to both his and Jude's sleeping bag being a thermal one and he couldnt exactly help with Judes temperature with thick fabric blocking any warmth Connor could give him. 

Jude had lied back down and was facing his side of the tent. He may have been almost asleep before but knowing Connor was so close to him had woken him up. He couldnt describe why it had or why he has sweaty palms even though he was cold, he couldnt understand fully why he wanted Connor to move closer to him but he knew that thats all he wanted in this moment.

 'Hey buddy, I can't exactly help you get warm," Connor spoke as Judes stomach sank, "but you could climb into my sleeping bag as its really large and can fit both of us and we can un zip your one completely and use it as a blanket so we get more warmth." Jude instantly lit up and well blushed a bit at the thought of moving closer to a sleepy Connor, he thanked the darkness for being his mask and unzipped his sleeping bag as a way of agreeing.

Connor unzipped his bag and turned so he was facing Jude. He knew he liked Jude, he was sure of it. It was a stronger feeling that he had had with any girls before. He wasnt too sure if this made him gay or bi or if he was completely mistaking friendship for this strong emotion but he was sure of the blush that was creeping up on his face when he saw Jude start to lie down next to him and pull his unzipped bag over the top of them both as a second layer of warmth.

Jude was currently facing away from Connor, it took all his strength to stay turned this way just in case Connor didnt want him that close to himself, even though Connor had invited him into his sleeping bag. Being this close to Connor warmed him up right away though, he felt safe and comfortable and didnt want to move from his posisition. Did he like like Connor? He wanted to be close to Connor and now that he was, he didnt want to move. He wasn't too sure of his feelings but it was unlike something he had every had for someone. Maybe it was friendship? He hadn't been able to make many friends moving from foster home to foster home, but he had not felt this way towards any one else. Only Connor. Only this boy who was right behind him had made him feel this way. 

Jude was completely lost in his thoughts and was only brought back to the present by a hand being present on top of his on his side. Jude could feel himself freeze before he quickly relaxed again. He didnt want to move his hand, was it wrong that he wanted to hold Connors hand?. Before he gave himself a chance to think about it he moved his fingers apart allowing Conners fingers to slip in between his own. Connor allowed a quiet sigh to pass through his lips when Jude allowed him to hold on. Red blushes took over both of their faces at this small gesture of hand holding. Jude could feel his hands getting clammy and judging by the feeling of the hand between his, Connors was too. 

Hey, i hope you liked the first chapter :) please review and ill post the next chapter up as soon as I can :) thankyou for reading

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