Ive been thinking

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"Jude?" Mrs Williams asked, "Jude, I asked you a question."

Jude was off in his own little thought bubble, drifting off. He was brought back to the present by a tap on the shoulder by the girl sitting next to him who proceeded to point at the teacher.

"Uhmm," he said as he tried to scan the board for what he was supposed to have answered. He wasnt very good at maths. He couldnt understand the numbers and it just looked like a pile of number soup to him.

"Don't daydream off in class, consider this your warning," Mrs Williams warned him as he slowly nodded his head. Thankfully the bell went and he was allowed to get out of that place. He made a bee line for his locker to dump some of his excess books and hopefully Connor was there at the same time. Making his way through the crowd he spotted who he was looking for at his locker waiting. Jude wondered what for.

"Hey Jude," Connor lit up like a light bulb when he saw his friend. "How was your last class?"

"Real boring, I recieved a warning for daydreaming off. Not my fault I dont understand number language," Jude spoke as he switched some of his books. Connor laughed then smiled. That smile made Jude melt and he found he was staring at Connor for maybe a bit too long.

"Earth to Jude," Connor said as he waved his hand in front of Jude's face, "You there?" Jude snapped from his gaze and smiled as he closed his locked. "I could help you with your maths if you want, could I come around after school?" Connor suggested as they walked out to find somewhere to sit and eat. 

"Sure," Jude started to get butterflies in his stomach at just the thought of Connor coming over. They hadnt really talked about the kisses they had had together, it hadnt really bothered Jude at first. But time was growing longer and he was wondering if Connor was just using him. At that thought Jude felt his heart sink lower. Maybe Connor was just confused? He had said he liked Jude but did he mean it? or was Connor just confused and mixing up his emotions. What about himself? He was too sure if he was bi or gay but it didnt matter to him. He didnt need some sort of label, he liked Connor and thats all that was needed to be known. 

He had been too occupied in his thoughts and was absent mindingly following behind Connor. He only just realised that he had been brought out onto the beach. "Sit," Connor commanded in the nicest tone he could say it in. Judes head went wild in thoughts, whats wrong? did I did something wrong? did he suddenly realise he was straight and didnt like him anymore? any more worrying would have caused a panic attack he was sure of it. "Ive been thinking," Connor spoke as they both sat down, Judes head fulled with worry, "Would you like to go on a date  with me?" Jude couldnt believe what he was hearing, he almost laughed at how ridiculous and worried he had been, he was so happy he almost forgot to answer.

"Yes I will go on a date with you," the boys looked at each other and grinned from ear to ear before beginning to eat their lunch. "Oh, could we not tell anyone about this?" Judes face fell, "Not because iI dont want people to know, just because I dont want someone to find out...." Connor asked as he looked down and anywhere but at Jude. Jude understood he ment his father, he didnt want Connor to have to face his homophobic dad.

"Yeah, sure. No problem."

"Pinky promise?" Connor said, not just because he didnt trust Jude, but just because it became a thing they did. It also gave him a reason to touch Judes hand. He stuck out his pinky for Jude to hold on to, Jude nodded and linked their fingers.

"Pinky promise."

Before they parted ways for their next class, Connor told Jude that he would text him with the details for their date for Friday and to meet him at the bench after school. Both boys walked away feeling happier then they could have been at school

Pinky promise? (Jonnor, the Fosters)Where stories live. Discover now